Reasons to smile

Life can be tough sometimes, but it is important to recognize the good things. What is one thing today that made you happy?
Could relate to models but doesn’t necessarily have to.


The coworker came back to the desk today after a week off. I was afraid I’d made him angry! Nothing makes the workday go smoother than the subtle rumblings of the coworker’s engine…


The first day in many months of 60 degree weather outside! Motorcyclists and bicyclists were out in force today.


The weather today here, too. Over 60! First time my garage woodshop was actually colder than outside in… many, many months. Feels great to open it up and let the breeze blow the sawdust around. :rofl:

Thanks for this post, @Comrade_Shmersky. What brightened your day today?

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:smiley: Where I’m at the weather has been so nice too…64 degrees! It made me pretty happy, as well as the weather being nice and sunny, so I took a quick walk to enjoy it. School was also pretty easy today, and I had little homework and had some time to work on my models.

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Got to 64 here in Montana. But going to snow on Friday. My woodshop is on the 2nd floor of my large barn and freezing I hope to get up there as soon as I get my cast off my left hand.

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There’s no real ambient light where we are in Panama, unlike Central Florida. When the sun goes down the sky is black, not grey. The real bonus is when I walk my dog before bed, I can see so many stars!

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Went out to a local pub for lunch today that we have neglected to visit for years. Last time we were there it was under different ownership. My wife likes wraps. Turns out this place has six different wraps to choose from. It was good. A new addition to our restaurant go to list.


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A wife who loves me after 23 years of marriage. A dog who greets me at every waking moment. House and car payments all paid off and good health at my age. Food always on the table after my wife cooks it, and bill payment under control. I am not monetary rich,but I have the most important treasures in all the world that other people would gladly accept. I thank the Good Lord every day for my happy life

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Wish I could say that. It would make a big difference. At least I’m retired. There is that. :slightly_smiling_face:


Well said Cheese 02! People would be a lot happier & healthier if they followed your sentiments.

Weather is nice here lately (today it’s 72°F and CAVU), and I’m desperately trying to schedule a check ride while it’s sunny and the winds are low. I get that done, y’all will see some happy smiles ear-to-ear!


I was gonna say…I walked out this morning to 44 degree temperature and that was fantastic. I hope it holds on for a bit longer with the cooler temperatures as South Texas SUCKS in the summer. lol

56 here in capital land NY…got my classroom window open!

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Are you a teacher? :0

Learned about natural logarithms today - very difficult but I survived the lesson :smiley:
I also talked to an admissions person for the US Air Force Academy - she was SO nice! The school sounds nice - just might need to convince my parents :sob:

Yes…biology. Couldn’t teach math to save my life haha

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Very cool! I had fond memories of Biology in freshman year - I had a very cool teacher who was an avid motorcyclist.

Jeeves & Comrade,
I was an elementary (grades 4 & 5) for over 30 years and have been retired now for 5 years this June. I am also an avid motorcyclist and my students loved seeing a teacher pull up on a cycle!! Small world.

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That’s really cool! : D It’s kinda crazy talking to teachers/former teachers on the net, because they seem like distant authority figures in my life most of the time lol :sob: