P-47D "Tarheel Hal" pics

Some photos of my entry into the P-47 GB.

As always, comments and criticisms welcome.

You have something to be proud of there. nice clean build

Marc, What can I say? Excellent work! I love the finish and the markings, you have done a superb job. I think I would like to build this version myself one day, she’s a real beauty! Darren.

Nicely done Marc. The decals are challenging for this bird & you did them very well. Looks great.

Regards, Rick

Very well done. What did you use for the silver?

Beautiful Jug. Very well done!

Nice work, Marc! Great job on the kit- which one is that, Hasegawa or Tamiya? Great work on the paint!

Nice looking Jug Marc, you should be proud. [tup]

That came out REAL nice. Very clean, well executed.

Thanks all… greatly appreciated.

Rick - That’s an understatement. They were bad enough if all went well but when the “Hal” decal stared breaking up into little pieces that all had to be fit together… I have even less hair than before…if that is possible.[:(]

gking86 - Alclad II Aluminum…1st time using this stuff and it is great.

Armorman - this is the Hasegawa kit.

Very nice good clean build.

good job!

What a beauty. You can never see too many P-47’s. I love the colorful scheme.

Marc, beautiful work, looks great!

wow awesome work thier marc i got one for the group but i dont have any free time to build right now

WOW[:O] cool bird you got there. Love the finish, and the decals are well done (a challenge with that kit). Keep up the good work.

Good lookin’ job there wing_nut ! Decals and paint look great. I know you must have worked your tail off but it certainly paid off. You should be very proud.


Congratulations Mark, that’s one fine looking Jug. Great job.


I love those cowl markings. Is that a real plane or did you make up those markings?


you got a real show stopper there