I heard today that the USAF is getting the V-22 and should have them combat ready by 2008-09.
Old news.
Don’t know many folks in the community that are excited about this one. Maybe it’s just my squadron but there ya have it. Did an exercise way back in 1997 where I was working tactics with a Big Iron driver and he said that it was the same deal in the -53E community as well. Don’t know about that (Hey Riddle…any truth to that?) but I can speak for the USAF CSAR side of the house.
Anyway, we’ll see about IOC in 2008/9. Thank God they’re going to AFSOC and not USAF CSAR units.
I’ve had the chance to talk to Phrog drivers that were not all that interested in transitioning to the V-22. This was a couple years back, but I do recall a distinct lack of enthusiasm for the new airframe. Don’t really intermingle with the wing much now that I’m back with division, so mindsets could have changed. I believe RiddleUSMC mentioned the slow disappearnce of Phrogs from New River as the Opsreys start to take roost.
Sal, what would you do with all the room on a -47?
Yeah, Trigger and I just hung out with a Pave Low gunner the other day and there definitely is a lack of enthusiasm for the AFSOC V-22. Seems counterproductive when you’ve got a Spec Ops bird that you CAN’T put guns on.
I’ll tell ya one thing, we won’t have to stack suriviors like cordwood like we have to now in the Pavehawk. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a sports car for the drivers but she was never intended to be a CSAR bird. Just no damn room inside. We’re all pretty excited to possibly get the CSAR Hook. Even the H-71 would be an improvement. We’re just all hoping that, given all the new drawdowns and funding cuts, our new USAF CSAR lead agency (ACC) doesn’t hose us and just SLEP the Pavehawks. Only time will tell.
I know the Pave Pigs are getting long in the tooth, but I’ve always thought that MH-47G’s as replacements made one hell of a lot more sense than the V-22. It was sold as an airframe aquisition which would allow for retiring both the Pave Low and some Talons/Shadows (MC-130E/P). Funny thing is that now with the V-22 starting to arrive at Kirtland (schoolhouse), USAF is talking about a new AFSOC/CSAR tanker (CRT-X) and adding additional airframes.
Go figure.
Will let me tell you, I do not like that P.O.S. The East Coast guys can keep it over there at New River.
But when I do move to that thing, My flying days are over!!!
I’ve never heard someone complain about having too much space, so I can feel ya there, Sal. I’d think the tail ramp would aid in loading/unloading as well…I’m just a ground-pounder, but I can definitely see the advantages of using the new Hook for CSAR vice the Osprey; not the least being, you can hang guns off it for self protection!
SSgtD, I think you’ve got a little while before the V-22 migrates to the left coast, but it’ll get there eventually. It is kinda cool watching them buzz around Camp Swampy all the time.
Lack of enthusiasm? That’s putting it nicely.
Let’s see, you can only put a gun on the tail ramp - which then gets in the way of the main way in and out of the cabin, and you have to rotate the entire aircraft to put the gunner in a position to return fire, not to mention you’re showing your @$$ to whoever’s shooting at you. Then there’s the cabin. No more hauling around operators’ Tacomas or Suburbans. Maybe you squeeze in some big wheels in there… And the SEALs’ boats won’t fit in the V-22 which means a whole new boat will have to be designed for them (yeah, that’ll save some money…)
I’m telling ya, AFSOC should be PAVEing the CH-53X… “MH-53X Pave Boar”
I have a bud that is in VMM-263, he told me that they are not putting guns on the ramp.
To borrow a line from Aliens, what are they supposed to use, harsh language?
Not flaming you SSgtD6152, just pointing out how ridiculous that whole situation is
Why, they’re going to throw millions of $$$ our way to make one of our imaginary escorts a reality.
Speed is nice, but I want to be able to put some steel rain on the LZ if there’s a reception committee waiting for us.
The things are flying every day here at New River. Now HMM/VMH-263 has them. 162 is deactivated, 266 has given up their phrogs. The powers that be are saying that the first MEU equipped with V-22’s will go out early next year. The Marine Corps is definately going forward with them, even though many people have doubts.
I don’t know about the Air Force. We had some barracks specially built for the AF aboard MCAS New River. These barracks (dorms in AF lingo) where meant to be used for Airmen involved in the Osprey program. However, these barracks have only ever been used by Marines, and there’s no Airforce people around here.
One flew over the barracks this morning. It was in transitonal flight, quite low, and making alot of noise. It’s pretty odd for anything to fly over the barracks, which are well clear of the traffic patterns.
Semper Fi,
To quote Oddball from Kelly’s Heroes, “Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?” Not meaning to flame anyone, I just find it interesting that everytime the V-22 is brought up, it takes a beating. The view from engineering is that the V-22 is getting a ramp gun. And other alternatives are being investigated. I think it’s incorrect to imply that the program management is not aware of the defensive armament issue. In my opinion, it’s a fine (and safe) aircraft, and now that we in engineering have turned it over the the very smart people in uniform, you’ll find a way to make it work that takes advantage of it’s capabilities. Just my opinion. Phil
Sure, bring logic and reasoned thought in and rain on our parade, Phil. I’m actually a fan of the Osprey, I just see some issues arising as it enters service and sees actual deployments. Like you said, I’m sure we’ll improvise, adapt and overcome. We always do.
Still, I like my idea of getting millions for “R&D” of an armed escort better, heck, I’d even go with your design Phil, it’s the best one (and ONLY completed one) by a long shot. Just so I can get a fat consulting check in the deal…A guy can dream, right?
I wouldn’t mind catching a ride on a -22, if the offer ever came up.
I agree the V-22 has issues, no doubt. What airframe doesn’t? They’re all compromises. You all better get to work on your escorts, because I’m sure to win the big $$ if there’s no competition. I’d really like to get a ride also, but so far they’re not buying my claim that I need to go out on a test flight to run the data recorders. No really, they won’t work unless I watch them. No? Rats. Phil
I don’t think I’d ever want a ride in a V-22. They have a few small windows in their tiny little cabins, and they fly around all closed up. You wouldn’t be able to see very much. It’d be too much like riding on a C-130, which I don’t like. 53’s and phrogs on the other hand have open crew windows and large cabin windows. Plus they usually cruise around with thier upper ramp doors open, which is a nice way to look down at the world. Ospreys just don’t look like much fun. I’m a little jealous of those Huey guys who get to ride around practically hanging out of their aircraft. Being a gunner (A/O, crewchief) on a helicopter is as close as modern aviator can get to being a waist gunner on a B-17. The Osprey doesn’t have that, so where’s the fun?
Semper Fi,
Then you Fly in it!!! I’m NOT, as for that P.O.S. with a gun on it, I think my bud knows a bit more than you!!!
Yep, I’m with you Marine. Hay you are a A/F, do you know a guy named SSgt Wombold from school? He is my bud that is in VMM-263.
I have two logins, I hit the wrong one my bad.