Having a lot of old FSM magazines from the mid 1980’s, 1990’s and early 2000s, that I do not have a need for and longer. Looking to get rid of them but I really do not want to throw them in the trash. Any ideas? Not looking to make a lot of money off them just wish to get rid of them. They are in excellent condition. Any takers
If anyone lives in Louisiana and would like to pick these up for free. Just let me know.
If I wasn’t like 10 states away I’d swing by and grab em.
Donate to your local public library branch.
That’s not a bad idea…
If I was rich, I’d pay for the shipping, but that would probably cost a small fortune.
Close to a hundred magazines yea would be expensive lol.
Called them and ask if they wanted. They turned me down.
Yeah, I’m not taking on any hardcopy for my personal library, either. I’'ve pretty much run out of storage space. Like arteries clogging up with plaque.
I have the anthology DVDs on my wish list.
Oh, your public library doesn’t have a lobby shop. That’s actually what I meant.
Any model clubs in the area? Or maybe a hobby shop can take them and set them out as free for people to grab?
Oo well…. Have tried to get rid of them BUT no one will take my old issues. Last call for anyone in Louisiana who would like to have them. No cost. Just pickup or if not to far I could meet you. Really don’t want to throw them away
I had every issue in binders from 1982-2017,I use to thumb thru them while on the stationary bike,but when I made my interstate move I finally dumped them,but I was merciful on the garbage man,just a couple st a time.
A few more ideas since you’re about to bin them anyway.
- Bundle them up into annual packs then donate to local thrift store(s).
- Leave them on the tables of local car repair and tire shop waiting rooms.
- Donate to local school art departments.
I had a ton also from the 80s and 90s and had them in a closet in the basement. One of the water pipes developed a small leak and eventually they became a solid moldy mess.
I’d donate them to a school classroom. When I was teaching I had a collection of modeling magazines in my fifth grade classroom’s library for "free reading"time and they were always being used. There’s always the chance that you’ll get a student interested in our hobby too.
Additionally they can be used in school arts and crafts for cutting out words and pictures and shapes.
My art classroom had plenty of old magazines like this! I actually ended up smuggling over 50 NatGeo magazines from the 1950s/1960s out of the classroom before kids cut them up. Now I have a huge stash of magazines and old maps from that classroom…