Well, Mates…this is about as far as I have gotten in the past 5 months, but it’s coming along…slowly. Do take time! Guess I’ll just keep plugging along. http://i741.photobucket.com/albums/xx53/Mr2bill4/Misc017_zpscd6cccb6.jpg I don’t know if this will download for all who would like to take a peek, but you can reply to this and let me know. Haven’t sent any for awhile, I’m a little cloudy on this part.
Clic the IMG icon.
Then what? Paste it on the Post?
I think I did that and it just put that link to it in the post. I tried clicking on it, but nothing happened.
Here you go:
Looks fantastic!
Thank you for the compliment! Appreciate that. Working on the standing rigging, stays, etc. So much to do yet, but got plenty of time. How did you get the pic to come up? I tried clicking on the link, but it wouldn’t do it.
Had some trouble with the ratlines, short in the aft section of it, and the ratlines on the mittsen (sp) mast (top ones) are about half inch long and I have no idea why. The parts are right and the mast is seated in right, but just comes up too long. I don’t want to cut them off, would make it look strange!
Guess I’ll put that off til a later date, run the rigging first, just get in the way if I put them on now anyways.
Again, thanks for the good words. I have pics from start to the point I’m at now, just haven’t posted them.
Here is a quick tutorial on how I use Photobucket:
Log into PhotoBucket and go to one of your libraries. In the library you’ll see your pictures, run the cursor over the picture you want to place in a post. A gear shaped object will appear in the upper right corner.
Now click on the Object that looks like a gear, then pick Shared Links. Another widow will open with several shared link options.
See picture:
- Now click on the bottom line with the Image Code. It will turn a pale yellow color and say copied.
See picture:
- Now go to your FSM post and paste to the thread. You can see if it worked by clicking on the Preview tab above.
Hope this helps!
OK, back to the real subject! I really like your progress on the ship. I’m starting to get more intrigued with sailing ships, I may have to indulge myself! I will keep a close eye on your progress now that you can post pictures! lol!
Alright!! I’ll send you one just to be sure I did it right. Thanks for the refreshing course, I do remember it a little now that you explained it. Yeah, been working on this since March…seems like forever tho. I’m usually into planes, one tank, and a few cars. I think I’m gonna stay on sailing ships, like to try all the different things I can do to them. Anyways, will shoot you a couple pics. Thanks again.
Now, I’ve seen that preview thingy, but don’t see it on this page, so onna send it anyways.
After you click on the use rich formatting link , you’ll see three tabs up top. Compose, Options, and Preview.
Looks like you are not getting the full code in the post. You should see [IMG] in front on the code and /IMG in brackets to the rear of the code.
Hope that makes sense?
(http://s741.photobucket.com/user/Mr2bill4/media/IMG_20140414_091830_zpsbf515d93.jpg.html)]Ok, we’ll try that…can’t hurt and it makes sense. Thanks.
(http://s741.photobucket.com/user/Mr2bill4/media/Misc044_zpse30b7c34.jpg.html)]This is frustrating!!!
Am back from vacation on the Gulf of Mexico (Florida) and ready to hit the Swan hard, see if I can finish her up by years end. Got some standing rigging to do, the ratlines on the upper masts, then the sails and running rigging. Hope it’s not a nightmare!! Will post my progress as I go.
Thanks for all the good comments, too. I’m trying.
Don’t make us get out the cat o’ nine tails, Bill. [;)]
Aye, sir! Best I put them in the bos’n locker and throw away the key. Anyways, we’ll keep pluggin’ away and see what happens. Might be a shade slow on this part of the build, never built one with sails, etc. Even with stand rigging, didn’t really go by the book, just enough to make it look good (1/96 Cutty Sark)! This one will be different.
Mr. Watchman, trying out a new (to me) photo sending site. Maybe this one is a bit easier, we’ll see. I’d like to send the pic as a pic, not a link. Probably have to work on that tho.
Bill, I see a hot link, not a picture.
Looks good, tho!