MosquitoCon "06 - PHOTOS

Come on down, up, or over to MosquitoCon. I went last year, before I actually joined the club. It was fantastic… great models… great vendors with lots of stuff… and I plan to be there, working, all day.

Our website can be viewed here.

Yeah, this one caught my interest. I like the theme.
I’m going

Of course, FSM will be there! I’ll be arriving via private jet sometime on Friday morning. :slight_smile:

NJIPMS is my former chapter, being a displaced New Jerseyan living in Wisconsin for the last year.

Some of my best friends are long-time members of this club, and overall they’re a great bunch of guys.

Without any bias whatsoever, MosquitoCon is larger than some regionals I’ve attended. The vendors are great, and there’s not much you won’t find in the way of kits and books, etc.

The very next day, Sunday the 9th, the NJ Historical Miniatures Association (NJHMA) is holding their event at the same venue. Although it’s mostly figures, they also have a strong modeling contingent.

I’ll be covering both events for upcoming issues of FSM.


I’ve been going for the last 3 years and I think its great, especially with the expanded space last year. Had the please to meet Jeff (working very hard by the way), hope to see everyone there. Just go to remember to bring enough $ this time! :slight_smile:

I will try and get there. I went to one a few years back and it was very cool. It was a great learning experience seeing other peoples work and techniques.

Besides I go to the PAL hall often for Train Shows. :slight_smile:

GRRRRRRRRR… . Not to take this off topic, but Mosquitocon being when it is really, seriously cuts into Replicon’s vendors and attendance. (Replicon being the show my club puts up). I mean the more model shows the merrier I suppose, but it really does hurt Replicon.

That being said, I’m gonna try and be there. [:)]

Having organized shows in the NY/NJ/CT area for nearly 10 years, I find that hard to believe.

Most vendors attend shows because they’re money-making events for them, and most that I know don’t miss the opportunity to attend.

As for modelers, the same holds true. When I go to Replicon, (and I’ve gone every year since 1991, except for last year,) I meet and greet mostly folks from Long Island, CT, and even Mass. Most of the NJ guys that go, travel with us in a group.

When I go to Mosquitocon, I see some of the same Long Island faces, but far fewer. It’s mostly a NJ crowd, with folks travelling from as far away as Virginia to attend the event.

Let’s not instigate inter-club politics here, okay? Long Island is IPMS Region 1, and NJ is IPMS Region II. Technically, there doesn’t need to be any date confirmations between regions that I’m aware of. Since I’m dear friends with the Region I coordinator, Doug Hamilton, and since he and the Region II coordinator, Tim Hortman, are quite active in the regions, we (NJIPMS) have always tried to make sure that shows weren’t on top of one another, especially within our own regions but also within Regions 1 and 2.

But…when renting the PAL hall (and this was an issue when I was VP of NJIPMS), we found that our regularly scheduled date for the show (in March) was the same weekend as a basketball tournament. We’d had the conflict previous times, and it restricted the size of the show we had, and parking was nearly impossible. So we changed the date, and this was the one weekend we found that didn’t conflict with the PAL’s annual schedule, or the Region I or Region II schedules.


Hmmm, basketball, interfering with modelling… I think Mosquitocon is probably more conveniently located than Replicon. But it is true that the more model shows there are, the better. I look forward to coming to mosquitocon this year.[tup]

P.S. woodchucks can’t chuck wood… [:)]

Is FSM planning to setup a small booth area? Or just to cover the show like last year?

Great that some of you are going. Looking forward to put a face with the name (or handle[;)] as the case may be)

Yup, I will be there. Building three kits this month just for that. First model meet ever, I am looking forward to enjoy my time there and say sorry to my wallet later. Making sure to bring a mint copy of this month’s FSM to get Jeff’s signature too… hehehe. Or maybe last month’s since the big KT was there?

Ryan, thanks for stopping by to sign my website guestbook. Looking forward to seeing your builds there. Hope to perhaps meet everyone at Mosquitocon. I’ll be the Asian guy with a bunch of models under one arm and an empty wallet on the other. :slight_smile:

I think most of us will have empty wallets that day!

Let’s plan an FSM lunch. It might end up being hot dogs in the vendor room, but it would be neat to get folks from the forum together.

I’ll most likely be set up in the back of the display room, like I was last year. I have no idea what the boys have planned. It was a deent setup last year, centrally located. Besides, since these are “my guys”, I pretty much do what I want anyway!!

If you’ve attended MosquitoCon in the past few years, I was the guy who owned the M35 and M3 halftrack that were always parked out front. In 2004, one of my good friends (who’s not a modeler) brought his Ford GT40 out and parked it in front of the building for awhile. You never know what you’ll see!


You own those halftracks? You must get right of way all the time in traffic!

Owned…moving to Wisconsin forced me to let them go. Fortunately, I know the current owners and they’ve both found good homes.

In 2003, I did halftrack rides. It was fun, but we almost ran it out of gas on a railroad overpass. Then, on my last ride of the afternoon, with a bunch of NJIPMS guys bouncing around in the back and giggling like little schoolkids, we went “baja-ing” over a railroad bed and I broke a track…needless to say, it was an expensive day.

This year, it’ll just be me and a camera setup… [sigh]


Don’t feel bad about not knowing what is planned, Jeff. I am in the club and don’t know what the plan is[;)] Granted, I am a fairly new member so I will see what I draw a duties for my “open” volunteer.

I am going for the hat trick this Friday. I took 1st place in aircraft in our monthly contest for Jan and Feb. Let’s see if 3’s the charm for March.

hey Marc, I had emailed the webmaster on the NJIPMS website before regarding how to get there since I got no idea where columbus hall was. it was like 6 months ago and I got no answer back. how do I get there from Parkway going down south? (probably won’t attend this month’s meeting though)


OH NO I USED UP MY 666 THREAD!!! darn!

I come from the south and go up 22 so not the best person to give driections form the north. The link above is to the web site and these look like they are the right ting to do. The key is to look for the Pathmark on South Ave and on the other side of the street, turn on New St and then the 1st left, go to the end and the parking lot is on the left. The 1st time I went I didn’t know that part.

“I had emailed the webmaster on the NJIPMS website before regarding how to get there since I got no idea where columbus hall was. it was like 6 months ago and I got no answer back”

That’s me - sorry buddy, I never got your e-mail. Looks like Marc got you covered with directions - if not, let me know:

jsut a quiet little