Monogram B-29 GB idea

Hi everyone, I’ve been watching Feld Marschal’s build on the B-29 and noticed a lot of people responded with something like I have that in my stash but it’s to big and daunting to start. So I was thinking that a GB of this one particular model may help a lot of us get it together. Since we would all be building the same thing we could encourage and help each other out. I think AM parts and conversion up to a silverplate bomber would be okay, but no other major conversions since we would want to keep the subject pretty much the same. if we get enough people to join I would like to start Jan 1 2009 and end Jun 1 2009, that way you can build the major assemblies during the winter and get all the painting and final assembly done in the warmer months. Plus this gives people time to finish some projects and for those that do not have this model to get one plus any AM parts that you would need.


It would be a very interesting GB. I have the 29 in my stash and this might be the stimulus I need to get it going.

I think that would be an awesome idea. I don’t have that kit again (yet) and I don’t know if I would make it in time, but I think it’s a great idea! If only the date could be pushed back later, than I would be golden here.

But good luck! Hope it gets off the ground (pardon the pun)[:D]


Mkelly- Hopefully we can get some more participants.

Desertrat- If it takes awhile to get people to join the date may be pushed back in time for you to join, but I would really like to keep the start dates as is.

-Stephen [C):-)]

Would you just be able to build the Monogram kit? If so, more people might join if all the other B-29/50 kits out there were allowed as well.

I wouldn’t mind but I’m already knee deep and at least 10% into mine already.

I’d love to start mine but my itty bitty apartment will not allow it. There’s not even enough room on the ceiling to keep it, I’d hit it while walking or something stupid.

Yeah I think I would be better to do a Monogram GB, there might be more people interested in that. I don’t know if I can do another B-29 anytime soon, but my next one would look better and turn out better than my last one did.

I understand perfectly, Stephen. I’m still trying to get a new place lined up here before I can break out the bench and tools again. Guess I’ll have to see how things work out. But if I can get in on it, i will. I’ll get back to ya on that…[8)]

Hey Stephen,

Thought this might be of interest to you

On the History channel here(good old New Zealand,as our sky channels are out of Australia,your programming may be different)there was a great 2 hour documentary called Stealing the Superfortress.The first half deals with the development of the 'fort, the 2nd half with the Tu 4 copy its worth a look and is great reference material for super detailing.



Warhammer25- I’m going to keep this GB specific to the 1/48 Monogram kit. It’s my intention to get people motivated to tackle this big bird, myself included. Plus with everyone doing the same kit I hope to have free flowing advise between all the builders, which is more difficult with 4 or 5 different kits being built.

Kg4kpg- If you can keep your build down to about 25% built I’d be happy to have you in the GB. What does your ID reffer to?

HKShooter- I understand about apartment size, but I think if you build it then you could always move into the bomber.

Feldmarschall- If you have another one to build, then come on and join up! After all it was your build and the replies that gave me this idea.

Desertrat- I hope things wil work out so that you could join up.

Spong- Thanks for the info on the show, I’ll have to look into it. Are you thinking about joining up?

So far i’ve got two people on the GB myself and I think MKelly, I would like to have at least a total of five people join up. Lets see what developes.


Stephen, I am game for this. I am currently finishing up several GB’s that I put away for the summer. The time frame on this looks good. Besides that box takes up a lot of space !

I’ll try to slow down, will be a fun GB. My ID is my ham radio call sign. I think yours probably speaks for itself. :slight_smile:


Thanks! Me too. I’ll keep ya posted

Can I convert my B-29 into a T-3 Bear?

Okay, I think we will have enough to start and hopefully we can get more to join up before the start date.

Oleander13- I could not find any reference to a T-3 Bear. I found a Tu-95 bear, which i would have to decline as it’s not a relative of the B-29. If you meant the Tu-4 Bull then that would be a go ahead, as this was copied from the B-29s that had to force land in Russia. Hope its the later as we would like to have you join us.



Just keeping us up front encase someone missed this.

I’ve got one in the hangar… Don’t know why I’m saving it… I’ve got two personally autographed (to me) pictures of “Enola Gay” and Paul Tibbets, one autographed by General Tibbets, the other by Tom Ferebee, the bombardier… Need to work them into it, and do an Enola Gay, I think…

Sounds like a good reason to build the Enola Gay, do you have the conversion for the silverplate B-29 already?


The Monogram Superfort has the parts and decals for Enola Gay and Bock’s Car included, as well as Fatman and Little boy… Don’t need any others that I’m aware of… Are they lacking from the Revell release? I know it’s a Korean War version of the ‘29 but haven’t bought one yet. I might do it this week though, Hobby Lobby is doin’ the coupon for 40% off again, as well as 30% off all model kits… (Hate when they do that the same week and can’t combine 'em for 70% off, lol)

Since they have the Superfort priced at 39.00 and change, I’m gonna need it…

Here’s the pics, BTW… Tibbets autographed his pic, and Ferebee autographed the Enola Gay

Note the cuffed props on the EG… I’ve heard rumblings about the cuffed props but can’t remember the exact beef…

Need to fix Ferebee’s autograph somehow… “Linda” is ex-wife #3… Wife #4 doesn’t let me hang that one up…