Guys: With one night to go to finish the Panther G, I’ll be ready to start my next build, an 8- ton semi-track 20mm Flakvierling sd.kfz 7/1…
You guys know how I like these older Tamiya kits and the winter camo’ depicted on the cover illustration made it a must have for my winter arsenal of builds! Low and behold…I HAVE NO MORE GLUE!!! Since moving to God’s country here in NY, I have no LHS. I tried Wal Mart in hopes for a bottle of Testors…no luck[V]…I’ve even looked for my brand of choice (plasticstruct/ plastic weld) on the web…again no luck[|(], which leads me to my question…
Do you guys ever use super glue for your entire build? …OR do I suck-up the gas cost and drive down to Albany?..or just switch glues and get on the web again…[%-)]
See if any local hardware/paint stores have MEK, methyl ethyl ketone. I use it exclusively and just keep refilling my Tamiya Extra fine liq cement bottle. Got a huge can for $5 at my local Lowes – it’ll last forever – or until the carcinogens in the MEK catch up w/me! LOL
HOWEVER, I think it would be much more enjoyable for me (and everyone else involved) if you tried an entire build with just superglue, or, better yet, rubber cement. Or Elmer’s! [(-D][(-D]
Steve. yake a deep breath, get on or INternet Hobbies and order it and WAIT. Driving to Albany would quadruple the cost of ordering it from the web. Looks like you’re going to have to learn to manage your inventory and think ahead! [:O] Squadron’s part number is TS8876 for Testor’s glue. Internet hobbies has Micro Weld glue (very similar to PlasticWeld) part # MSI-6 They also have Tenax R7 part #TNX1000 (a monster of a glue, if you’ve ever used it–this is what I personally use)
Superglue for a whole build? Only if you’re a masochist! SHEESH!
doog: As usual, thanks for watchin’ my back…I was teasing about the superglue anyway. Hey, did you see Roy Chow’s post on this thread? Scroll back a few and read it…ever tried his suggestion? Seems like the way to go!!!
Speaking of Elmer’s glue, when I first started building model kits I had asthma … really bad. So bad that it required a treatment of 3 shots a week for 6 years.
I could not use anything with any toxic fumes at all. So, all my builds were done using, yes, Elmer’s glue.
By the time I slowly grew out of it I could tolerate the Testor’s tube glue and now no type of glue bothers me at all. Even CA.
It wasn’t very permanent, but it got the job done. [yuck]
smj, seeing we’re neighbors and all, there’s a hobbyshop in South Glens Falls, a lot closer tham Albany. It’s called Racing City Hobbies, they specialize more in RC cars, but they do have some kits and basic supplies(paint, glue, brushes,…etc.). That’s where I go when I’m in a pinch.
Panther F: I asked a question a while back for suggestions on how to glue tools in the right spot when there are no holes or mounting tabs…someone suggested using high tack white glue…it holds fast and dries clear. I have yet to try it, but I’ve got the glue at the workbench just in case[;)]
What’s the problem wih superglue/CA? I’ve had to use it entirely on the reisn kit I was using, and used it extensively (about 95%) on the last styrene kit I built since there was so much PE to attach. I didn’t have any problems as long as I was careful not to put too much glue in the seems. Just wondering.
panzer88: Thanks for the neighborly suggestion[#toast]. I get to Queensbury plenty, so that should do the trick…do they carry Tamiya paint? Do you know the exact address?
By the way…shoot me that PM so we can meet sometime!
IanIsbored2000: I see the advantage of superglue over styrene cement in a lot of areas, for me it’s the quick/superstrong hold (I sound like a denture commercial)…in fact I use superglue much more than I used to, but PE is the probably the single most reason we all use superglue. Styrene cement has the advantage of fusing the seams…and the bond is continuous.
It’s just on the other side of the bridge coming from Glens Falls. You go up the hill a little and it is in the Midtown shopping plaza down in the back by the post office. There’s a Mcdonalds across the street. The shop is listed on the big sign up front along with the other stores in the plaza.