Thought I’d restart a classic thread: let’s see some pictures of how everyone displays and/or stores their completed models.
I remember reading a post long ago (maybe here on FSM) from a very talented modeler who would throw away their completed builds after posting a few photos online. I admire that mindset: finding the joy in the process, yet eschewing attachment and avoiding the “accumulation” part of the hobby.
Admire, yes. Emulate? No way! I’m an unapologetic accumulator. But certainly, at some point, space becomes an issue for all of us.
My display cabinet is in my basement “hobby cave,” so it’s mainly for my own enjoyment: I like the subjects. But I also like seeing my skill progression over time. I’ve learned that “getting better at it” seems to be the major appeal, to me at least.
Do you have yours in the living room? Garage rafters? Hanging by fishing line from the bedroom ceiling, like we all did as kids? Or boxed away? Why?
I got room for 8, when I build a better one I pick one to throw away, I hate clutter, I’m not a collector. I Take a few pictures, save a few, the rest go away.
I can only imagine. I’ve gotta find another display cabinet myself as I’m running out of room but hey…I look on the bright side…it’s taken me 12 years to fill it.
@Demolition – I admire your practicality in this matter. Nice shelf, too! When you finish your next build, how do you decide which one gets the axe?
@Tojo72 – Very impressive. I’ve recently embraced the glass case method myself, just in the interest of not having to dust. And look at all that space! Is your workbench not down there too?
@keavdog Clean display. I like the bright white. Great diversity in modeling subjects, too – something I need to embrace more. I especially like those figures! Do you use canned air for dusting? Seems risky no matter how you do it.
@mustang1989 Have you checked out the metal cabinets from Ikea? Pretty good value, I think, and they’re lighting compatible, though I haven’t installed mine yet.
The new one has to be more visually interesting to me, more effort than the rest, by all metrics better or unique(er) lol, If the new one isn’t better then it’s the one in the recycle bin. I don’t find it to be a tough decision, I have pictures of them all ( I very very rarely bring the pictures up) and I’m the only person I know in real life that models so the display is literally only for me anyways. I very rarely have any issues getting rid of anything I no longer use. I will admit that I have tossed something then looked for it a few months later thinking “ no way I would have just tossed that”
Love the variety of methods for how we display our art.
I display my completed models on the shelf above my workbench. They share the shelf with the stereo and a few other things. My collection of completed is builds is still quite modest. It doesn’t hurt that most of my work is in the 1/72 scale range. Like @Toimi_Tom I enjoy being able to see the various stages of growth as a modeler.
I have an Ikea display cabinet. It is wood construction with opening glass doors. It has 5 wood shelves inside it and they are adjustable. Then I I had 3 glass shelves cut to size and I mounted them between the wood shelves.
Lordy day mine are all over the place. In a small airport display case, hanging from the basement ceiling, on a wall shelf, in those barrister cabinets, on top of an entertainment center console.
That looks about my model display area. That is, except for my Lakers. My wife lets me keep those upstairs in the family room because she has connections with them. I scratch-build 1:96 or 1:196 Great Lakes bulk carriers (ore boats).