I havent been around much in this forum for many years but used to be very active. Life has been full of changes the last few years but I’ve finally settled into a new home and have been fortunate enough to set up my new man cave the way I wanted it. I hope to be building and posting a lot more in the coming years.
@missileman2000 - I’d love to see some of those lakers, if you have pics posted anywhere. I grew up in Duluth so I carry a love of the freshwater maritime tradition.
@dwsrazor - that’s an excellent hobby space, and some good looking display cabinets. Congrats on settling in to a new space!
The first picture is a few years old and the cabinets are more crowded now. The last two pictures are a cabinet that is full and my next spot which needs mirrors and lighting. They are in a new workshop I finished last year. My model building area is in a different building as I tend to spray paint everywhere!
The second one is a cabinet that a friend and I custom built and I am very pleased with how dust free it stays. Instead of hinged doors it has a door that encompasses the entire straight front section. The door has dowels on the bottom and removable steel pins on top and fits very tight to the front. It has gone years without dusting. It is completely full now. It was designed to hold a full span 1/48 B-1B if I ever get one built.
John… what a space! Sure looks like it would be fun to wander and peruse the displays with a coffee, or other beverage. I like that custom cabinet too. Thanks for posting!
@jeaton01 ------
I was finally able to get some pictures of my display areas. They are nothing as elaborate as what I’m seeing here in this thread but I’ve been given a couple of good options here in the responses.
Very nice,old store display cases?
Very nice Joe,great display area
It’s great to see all the different ways we display our work. Gives me some ideas to look forward to once I outgrow the shelf above my workbench.
Haha! I have one model. One! Other than a Scooby Doo Mystery Machine snap together (which doesn’t count, in my opinion) this is the only model I’ve built in the last 51 years. 1/400 Academy Titanic. More to come, however. I’ll be using more floating shelves as well as just a plain old bookshelf for my future build displays. Currently working on a Trumpeter 1/200 Titanic (that won’t fit on a bookshelf. It will have it’s own display case) and an Atlantis 1/8 Phantom of The Opera.
My current (tiny) stash…
…with more to come.
@MisterMeester : That’s a cool area you’ve got there Mark and that Titanic looks good up there. You’ll have to start a thread on that current larger scale Titanic that you’re building as I’d love to see that.
I saw that Monogram Charger in your stash and never knew that a 1/32 scale Charger even existed. Cool kit.
I have a build log for the 1/200 Trumpeter Titanic on Model Ship World. I’ll consider putting something up here in a few days.
As for the Monogram Charger…. a gift from a friend recently. He’s not a modeler, but rather a collector of “stuff” and figured the kit would be better served in the hands of someone who might actually build it.
I’ll be down for that !!
Those little 1/32 kits are hard to find. I had a Revell 1/32 Ford Maverick kit not too awful long ago that I let go of to a friend. To my knowledge he never built it. I should’ve kept that one.
I have ALWAYS liked this set up of your Carlos!!
Very nice Nathan. These look like repurposed retail displays? Nicely filled, too – great diversity of subject material! Thanks for sharing.
Very nice mustang. And wow – really like that brick garage display!
Looking forward to seeing your display area grow… particularly those monsters! I remember finding those kits (built) in my uncle’s old toy box when I was a kid… never knew they rereleased 'em.
Tempest – a great collection of aircraft! Mostly 72nd, yes? And yet another display that looks like it could be in a hobby shop. Really invites a person to lean in and look close! Do you find you have to Windex the glass after having guests over?
Welcome back, stikpusher! Looks like a perfect “man cave” to me. Love that ceiling fan. Did you do all that cabinetry yourself? It’s another hobby (yeah, right) that I’m just starting out in. Yours looks great, though I can’t figure out how you’d have time for that much woodworking and still have churned out all those models!
Keep 'em coming, team. I’m finding a lot of inspiration here.
The doors are actually plexiglass. The shelves I bought from a store going out of business. Its in a spare bedroom/office. So its away from most traffic. If i ever do move I’ll have to take it apart. It wont fit out the door
@mustang1989, thanks Joe! It’s a bit more full and chaotic in there nowadays. That photo was taken shortly after the shelves were completed.
@Toimi_Tom, thanks Tom. No, that is not my handiwork. My woodworking and carpentry skills are far more basic. It’s best for us to hire someone who knows what they are doing like here. We had a family friend who was going into that work for himself and this was his first project as an independent contractor. He does great work. As far as time to complete all those builds, well, you’re looking at all the survivors of everything that I’ve built over the past 40+ years…