I’ve been struggling to find a formula for applying a gloss clear (for the purpose of panel-lining and/or washes) that will protect the color-coat.
I’ve tried using AK192, tested with three or four different thinners including AK712. It will not stand up to applying Tamiya panel-liner, or artist oils, or Testors enamels. The latter two were tested with Turpentine, mineral spirits, even “white spirits”, but everything I tried would eat right through it ruining the base coat. I think I’ve read that those three thinners listed are essentially the same.
I was just reading the new edition of FSM in which it clearly says to use Tamiya X-22 which I just tried. It was way too think to spray out of the jar, had to thin it with X-20A to roughly 50% to get it to spray right even if bumping the pressure up to 20 pounds. I was able to get a nice smooth finish and allowed it to cure for ~48 hours. But the enamel/oil washed eat right through. I noticed in picture #2 on page 16 shows you are using hardware store type fluid “Klean Strip” which I thought might be too hot.
I’m starting to think it is not the choice of product that is causing my issues. Could it be my airbrush is inappropriate for this use, a 0.35 tip is too small to spray undiluted clears? My “other” brush is 0.18 so I’m, not even gonna try that.
It might be that my color-coats are just too weak but it seems that the clear should be a sealant of sorts. I almost always use Tamiya XF paints and yes I spray it on really thin, generally at least 3 passes/coats, more in some places for post-shading. But I have noticed the color is EXTREMELY fragile until coated, which protects it well from touch, just not turpentine.
So the questions are:
1.) Do I need to find a better (stronger) product to use that will withstand a light brush stroke or a Q-tip without breaking down?
2.) Do I need to get an airbrush with a larger aperture to spray thick undiluted varnishes?
I considered trying a polyurethane clear from Autozone or Home Depot, but cannot afford to plug those rivets or panel lines. What products to you use?