F-16 colors?

Can somebody tell me what the standard USAF colors for an F-16 are? I’ve seen all different shades of gray mentioned - Gull Gray, Light gray, light gull gray, Neutral Gray, etc. If possible, I’d like to know what the colors for top and bottom are. If it helps, I use mostly Tamiya and Model Master Acrylics.




Look up F-16 at this site under camoflauges/aircraft, It has two paint schemes Egypt 1 for early F-16 and Hill scheme for later models.

For Model Master Acrylics and the Hill Scheme.

Dark Gray is known as Gunship Gray (FS 36118)

Neutral Gray (FS 36270)

Nose/Radome is Dk. Ghost Gray (FS36320)

Thanks Derek -

I’ve seen some with that dark gray color, but at the airshow I went to this past weekend (Luke AFB), they seemed to be an overall lighter. flatter grayish blue on top, and a light flat gray or off white on the bottoms. Maybe this is a training scheme as Luke is a training base?


The F-16’s have been painted a few different scheme’s the first was the

FS 363375 Light Ghost Gray on the bottom,

FS 36270 Neutral Gray on the nose around the canopy and on the side boards between the wings & Stabs, and on the outer sides of the ventral fins, and

FS 36118 Gunship Gray on the back and on top of the wings,

then the new Hill scheme is the FS 36375 is now FS 36270

the nose cone on both schemes are FS 36251 Aggressor Gray and NOT FS 36320 Dark Ghost Gray like derekms stated, he is most likely going by what Hasegawa or another modeling company has instructed but they are Aggressor Gray trust me I used to work on the LAWN DARTS and have done touch up painting on the Radomes (Nose Cones)

Thanks 72 Cuda - I’ll look up those FS numbers and see what they correspond to in the Tamiya and MM paints I have.