

Born in 1959 - Currently 51 yrs old. Like many others my age, started out building a lot of Monogram and Revell models into my early teens. I was lucky enough to live within easy bicycle distance of a great hobby shop in Mesa - Webster Hobby Shop. Unfortunately, it is no longer in business. Looking back at pictures of my room from that time, it appears that I had built most of the Revell 1/32 scale WWII fighters.

Gradually left the hobby during high school, and didn’t really get back into it until 2003 when I had to go on medical retirement from teaching due to kidney problems. When I started up again, I was amazed at the variety and detail level of current production models (as well as the prices!). Still, occasionally I shop around on E-Bay and buy one of the old Revell 1/32 kits to build for nostalgia’s sake.