Here’s what I bought with my xbox money It got the rings of death and my warranty is up
I think you did a great trade off, XBox money for Russian armor.[swg][:D]
I believe getting this kit is worth it then playing xbox.
Modelling does expand your skills in many ways a game console cannot.
Now let see this puppy build.
The infamous “Red Ring of Death”. So many people I know have had that issue. Thankfully I havn’t and maybe it should as NHL 09 takes up to much of my model time Not a bad trade off condiering the circumstances. Better get that XBox fixed in time for Gears of War 2 though
I don’t plan on getting it fixed I just gave up on those videogames
One question could one of these make it to 1944?
I would say that is a pretty good trade. [:D] The Dragon T-34 series are really nice kits. I have the T-34/85 and it is terrific. Lots of detail. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
To answer your question, you could supposedly see T-34/76s up until the end of the war though they were largely replaced along with the KV-1 by the T-34/85 and JS-2. I have no pictures on hand for proof but that is what I have read somewhere.
that kit is nice but i believe that XBOX is replacing all the rings off death for free now though. give them a call.
There are reference photos in a couple of my books, the best being T-34 Mythical Weapon, that were taken in 1944 of destroyed T-34-76’s like the Dragon kit represents. The 76mm gun models, even the 41/42 production, were used by other Soviet allied armies like Poland until the end of the war and beyond, until they were replaced by the T-34-85.
Nice kit, I would love to have one myself. I built an ‘early’ T-34 a few years ago from Dragon, so-does yours include the option to paint it in that crazy 3 tone camo with teal, brown, and green?
Off topic,
Xbox does replace Red rings for free, at least for the 360. In fact I know several people who have done this, and I know one person in particular who red-ringed his xbox on purpose so he could get it fixed. (it had a broken disk tray, which wasn’t covered under warranty apparently…so he red ringed it, by wrapping it in warm fuzzy blankets to overheat it, to get a new one… :P)
That’s a good lookin kit, there. I think maybe I might look into blowin a few bucks on one, myself.
I know this is a little off-topic, but what the heck is a ring of death? I had an X-Box when I lived in Iraq, but I blew it up (forgot to plug it in through the converter - BOOM)…[;)]
On an Xbox, there is that little green ring that appears around the power button (at least on a 360) When the systems internal basic diagnostics detect an error or break in the system, that little green ring turns into a red ring of death-indicating that your xbox has died and needs to be repaired at a shop. In early xbox’s, this was fairly common, in later xboxs’, not so much but it still happens.
The T34/76 was maufactured at least into early 1944 (I’ll have to check on that) before production was ceased totally in favor of the T34/85. If I remember, over 30,000 T34/76 tanks wer built before production stopped. The model you have is an earlier version with the single, large turret hatch that was replaced by two hatches on later versions. If I remember correctly, the cast turret was a stop gap measure due to the inability to manufacture rolled steel turrets due to machinery and material problems.
The Red Army suffered massive losses of T34’s early in the war for many reasons, including destruction by German forces and because of mechanical breakdowns - due to some initial design flaws with the T34 and because of poor production values.
Given the large number of vehicles produced, it’s very likely that a Model 1941 would have made it to 1944, though I doubt that there were many of the early versions by that year of the war.
Well I don’t have it anymore
I’m just going to ask for a new one come Christmas [:)]
Moral of the story: You’re gonna have more fun with the T-34 than you are with a broken XBOX. That, and Nintendo rules, LOL.
X-Box = Boom Box?
Sorry, saw that and couldn’t shut up…
You should just save yourself the trouble with all the ring of death stuff and just get a PS3! [swg] Sorry, couldn’t resist either.
Seriously though, have fun with the build since you have no Xbox.
I started working on it since the canopy for the he111 is broke. Doesn’t look like much but I put 4 pieces on
Road wheels so far
Having fun watching this movie on my new mac that the school gave me ;D
It says to remove this should I
That kit is a STUD!
You will be pleased with the build.
To answer your question, I thought I read somewhere that the T-34/76’s were used in mop up duty’s and rear echelone stuff.
Also they were used for training long after the war was over.
Don’t quote me, I will have to hit the books to find out for sure.