Would Tamiya olive green work for the exterior
I had a night where I couldn’t sleep and now I have drill team practice in a hour but here’s what I’ve got done with my second cup of coffee going on 3
hand looks particularly nice.
The T35/85 was used in front-line service with various arabs in the '56 Suez war, and the T34/76 was a reserve vehicle for quite some time as well.
Sorry for not updating sooner but I’ve been busy. I’m part of Mooreville’s NJROTC drill team and we had a compition saturday and we came in second [swg] I went on sunday to buy the basic supplies but when I came home saturday I found my doggy looking funny
I screwed up the photoetch covers so I opted to use the kit part[#oops]
Just wait 'till you get a wifey.
One day you’ll come home to the same look.
T-34 of 1940/41 and 1944 were two totally different tanks even they looked kind of same. Everything was different, even the hull and its details.
On the first picture is the hull of a something like you building. On the second - of T-34/76 of 1944.
And getting a little bit ahead - if decals offer you to put a slogan on the turret make sure it has meaning, and not just bunch of russian words together [:)]
Said hand needs a little paint and maybe a cut or two to accurately represent a modelers hand.It’s just too clean for me.Good start though.[tup]
Hi Will,is that Navy JTROTC? I was in AFJROTC in high school cadet major third in command of the squadron and drill team commander that was many years ago ( my 20 year reunion is this sat lol) I really enjoyed it stay with it, what rank and grade are you?Congrats on second dill compitions are tough we used to be one of the best in the state don’t know now. I went to DC,Alambama alot of places I don’t recall…