Completed today. As many of you know I’m fairly new at this, even though I’m 64, so go ahead and critique if you wish.
Still working on my F-18 but I used this model to prictice putting on Decals, Bill.
Hiya Bill,
Pretty cool build… I think that Col. Landers would have been proud…
What did you use as a base??
Flaps up, Mike
Very nice job, indeed. Does not look like the work of a beginner!
I too was curious about the base. And what did you use for the NMF?
Keep at it.
Take care,
Hi ya howdidyoudothat …
Very nice … like markworthi mentioned before … sure doesn’t look like the work of a beginner … [swg]
You just can’t go wrong with a P-51 … and you have done a fine job on yours … [^]
The base you have used for your “wheels up” P-51 is very cool too … !!!
Thanks for sharing … [swg]
Fantastic build for a first timer!![tup][tup]
Well done!![:D][:D]
Finish looks a teensy rough some places, but excellent work!!! Very nice build.
Thanks for the kind words guys. It is a little rough in spots but the next build should be a better.
Not sure what a NMF is? but the base is just a thick piece of bark I picked up down at the river the other day. I drilled a hole in the bark and fitted a golf card pencil into the rear landing gear area. Pretty rough base but has a nice effect. I’ll find something to replace the pencil with later.
Hey Bill, NMF = Natural Metal Finish. Pretty nice job on the Stang. For decal practice, you sure picked a good subject ! I just turned 67, so I’m glad to see you youngsters get involved in the hobby [:)].
Regards, Rick
Fantastic job on you mustang, Bill. Love the base, too.
Regards, Dan
good job Howdidyoudothat, looks very nice. What type of paint did u use for the NMF?
Originally posted by izzy8990
good job Howdidyoudothat, looks very nice. What type of paint did u use for the NMF?
whoops sry i didnt relize this was asked earlier
bill you have done a great job on this. now some questions from me.
-which kit?
-what paint?
-what scale?
you hardly look like a beginner with this build. nice work.
looks good! especially good on the wings… you can see the reflection of the AC in it… I like the base… it’s somethign different than your average glass case or wooden base… kinda goes with the ‘wildness’ of the P-51…
and for a beginner as you say, GREAT job!!! I didn’t notice one fingerprint in the canopy or on the paint! I was famous for doing one if not both of these to every model I built starting out… still manage a fingerprint in the paint once in awhile [V]
—edit 2—
I really gotta learn how to proof before I hit send…
The kit is the "Revell P-51 D Mustang "1/72 scale. The paint is a spray can of “Tamiya Gloss Aluminum.”
Wow. That just goes to show that spray cans can still produce some amazing work. Tho, my first models used to be covered wth fignerprints too.
Nice stang Bill
Nice work Bill !! Great glossy canopy and for your decal “practice” you did a great job, especially since you chose to take on a checkerboard scheme. You like a challenge don’t you?
I’d be happy to have that bird on my shelf. Good job!!!
I’m 62 and just recently returned to the hobby and I think you did an outstanding job.
Since I remember when kits came with plastic stands, your base is an inspiration and adds character to the model.[bow][bow][bow]
cudos to the awesome looking stang ,a job well done cant wait to see your next project
You’d be hard pressed to find an adult modeller just starting out who could boat as nice a result as what you’ve done there. I’m impressed with the Tamiya aluminum from a can, and may try to use it on certain panels here and there. As for the base, I would like to see more “artistic” displays of models like what you have done. We seem to be locked into a certain number and type of ways to display models, and we rarely deviate from them. You’ve shown that it’s a good idea to experiment, because IMHO yours certainly succeeds.