Great models has been restocked with Mr. Surfacer products. I got the 500 and 1000 primer ordered this morning, better get in there while they have it.[^]
i recently was directed to a hobby shop and they happend to stock the whole line of Gunze Sanyo paints and primers!! now, i have stocked up on so many emamel paints its gonna take a while to use them, but i’d like to try gunze acrylic, i have heard many good things about it. later.
Thanks for the heads up. I’ve wanted to try their primer but it’s been unavailable locally.
Regards, Rick
There, I said it… [:p]
Fade to Black…
Hmmm… flattens the main tires on Wolf’s favorite P-40
Unfortunately for you, this is my favorite P-40…
BTW, I love that Mr. Surfacer stuff…
Fade to Black…
I give up… LOL
I LOVE Gunze’s acrylics.
Exellent paint thickness for freehand camo jobs.
And the pigment is alot finer than any other I’ve used.
Salty the Gunze acrylics are stunning. There is no other way to describe them.
I use Tamiya acrylic thinner wit them, and the finnish is excellent.
The only problem is, because they’re so fine, you have to make sure the surface is perfect before you spray!
Jeff, what’s the Mr Surfafcer like as I posted a question about filler last week, and am looking to try another type of filler?
Dunno Karl… I am following CaptBrazil on this one. thought I would give it a go.
Think I’ll give it a go anyway.
Can’t be any worse than the Humbrol filler I’ve been using for the last year or so.
I been using squadron white heh
a dumb question here…what is the difference between Mr Surfacer 500 and 1000??
Thank you for the heads-up. I will now remove the extra L from “modeler” free of charge, to pay my debt of gratitude. [:)]
heh… i didnt make that lol
Hey all,
The difference between Mr Surfacer 500, 1000 & 1200 the number of grains of the “stuff” that goes in it. Mr Surfacer 500 = more grains and is rougher and thicker than Mr Surfacer 1000.
When using Mr Surfacer 1000 as a primer I thin it with Mr Thinner or lacquer thinner to a ration of 50/50 and spray at about 15psi.
Let’s just say it came from an old wise man who uses old english…[;)]
BTW I am not old and I don’t use old english…[:D][:D][:D][:D]
(Hmmm…I think he’s gonna smack me hard for this one…lol.)
Tried ordering some Mr Surfacer 500 the other day, along with some other Gunze supplies, (Including more RLM 66, Jeff) from my usual supplier in the UK, trouble is their online order form doesn’t work, and they dont answer the phone[banghead]
I just want to see what the fuss is about!
Can anyone tell me who supplies Gunze in the UK?
Sonarman try the following:
As far as i know they are the only suppliers of Gunze in the UK.
I’ve been getting my Gunze from them for the last 6 months.