The holidays and requisite obligations and celebrations have subsided. The counting of the loot has been completed and so a little time at the bench was made available. Partially spent cleaning up the mess I’d left from my last time there.
Back to the always entertaining topic of pin/panel line washes.
I’m pretty happy with Vallejo’s line of washes. My only complaint about them is they do a very good job of softening the gloss coat and the layer of paint beneath it. This of course makes it easy to take off wash plus a layer or two of paint. Even when gently cleaning. This can make it a delicate dance between waiting long enough to cure so as not to rub off the lower layers, and not so long that it becomes challenging to remove the wash.
As I mentioned earlier I’ve been using a two part process. Starting with green and then going over it with a brown. Thought it might be handy to demonstrate what it looks like at each stage. That way you can judge for yourself.
Looking at the riveted plate you can see I’ve already added the green wash to it. Nothing else has been done to it except a little cleanup.
Applying the brown wash on top of the green presents this.
At this point it looks like the brown has overpowered the green, but the cleanup is still pending.
When cleaning up the wash I try to wipe towards the raised edge not along it. Less likely to completely remove the wash that way.
After the cleanup it is much easier to see that both colors are present. It now has a more variegated look. However, at this level of closeup the intended effect of the wash is diminished. Let’s take a step back a little and compare the look between the pure green wash to the green+brown.
Which do you like better? Let’s try the polling function of the new forum to find out!
Select the look you like best. (results will be shared after the poll closes)
- (left leg) plain green was perfect!
- (right leg) green+brown is better!
I’m curious to find out which look people like more.
Finally, here’s how the legs look after completion.
This is the last post about washes, for real this time. Promise!
Hopefully with the end of the holidays I’ll be able to blast through the remainder of the work and share the finished product before too much longer.