back to Iraq

alas, my leave is done and it;s time for me to be back to my hole in the world’s crack so here i sit on a bench computer seat writting away online ( not much of a rime huh?).
but at least i can get more pics of stuff and get this thing over with so i can get my butt home for good!

and thank you all for all of the support!!!

Keep you head down and come home safe.

Good luck and keep safe… we’re behind you guys all the way.

[:D] all i can say is ,keep your head down,and you will be home sooner then you think.keep up the good work and take care.[:D]


Be safe my man. I was in Iraq for “Gulf War - Part I”. Thanks for cleaning up what we should have done in the first place.

p.s.- i left my flight helmet bag over there; somewhere between Saudi and Iraq, if you find it, could you send it back to me? [:D]

Keep safe Jesse, we will be lokoing forward to seeing you home for good.

I also was in Part I, the Gulf War Saga…

Good luck to you, and thank you… wish I could be there!!! We’ll be waiting for your return…

Hey Redleg1-7FA,
Get one for us…!!! You’ll be in our prayers and thoughts. Thank you for serving proudly…[;)]
Flaps up, Mike

Thanks for what you’re doing. You ain’t got to be Audy Murphy. Just do what you got to do and get them before they get you. Head down is the phrase of the day. Good luck and let us know when you get back to the civalized world.


Keep your spirits up and don’t start counting the days until you get to come home for good for at least a week or so. Take care of yourself and get the job done so I don’t have to come over there (though I think that’s already a foregone conclusion, but not till next fall)! Check in with us here when you have a spare minute.

Sorry to hear your leave is up, I hope you enjoyed your time back here, short as it was. Thanks for your service to our country and be safe!

man that went by fast!
take care or yourself over there & stay safe.
if you need supplies, modeling or chow, drop a note here.
i will load you up w/ stuff.

btw - i think Hooker’s bag was green, if that helps.

be careful.

Good luck, stay safe, and get back soon!

Keep your head down and thanks from Canada. If you need anything, let me know.

Good luck bud, just got home from there in april ( airborne infantry) :slight_smile: stay safe!!

Keep your head down and watch your tail. If there is anything we can send you or your buddies just let us know and we do our best to get it to you.

Above all come home safe.

be safe. looking forward to your return.


Stay safe buddy, come home soon.

Thanks Redleg,
Damn proud of you.
V/r, BW

good luck! come home safe.