Sorry you have to go back into that madness Jesse. Do want you to know that we are a greatful nation and stand behind each one of you young men and women. Gods speed and may he protect you and all of our young Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen. Thank you again for your greatful service. semper fi, mike
Once more into the fray my friends once more!
Good Luck and and God speed all of you home swiftly to the hearts and hearths that await you.
To all who have ever taken up arms when the wolves have to be fought off. Thank You!
dont get nervous about stuff man, and keep low, we want ta see you here again. [tup]
Stay safe!
Keep your head down and many many thanks for doing the job you do.
Randie [C):-)]
Best of luck to you! My Paladin failed its recoil test… didn’t go back in battery, so I’m without a ride[:(]
But, stay safe, return in one piece, come home for good.
Take care and watch your 6! We pray for a speedy return.