Fantastic build on a beautiful piece of artwork! AWESOME job![:)]
Nice job on an interesting concept, Lucien !
Even at that scale, it has to take up a lot of room. Geeze, I think I’d be afraid to even pick it up!
Well done !
oh wait, I just answered my own question.
but did you kit bash?
I too have been watching this go on since I first joined… that is one AWESOME piece of work! I have to admit I didn’t have a clue how you were going to get it all together but you did!!! ¡FANTASTICO!
OMG, an epic build of monumental proportions. Fantastic and a whole lot of other superlatives that escape me at the moment. Congratulations.
Darwin, O.F. [alien]
Holy [censored]
That is one amazing model!
A super job, thanks for the pics and the history lesson…
Well shock me in the head. You are just one insane modeler. This is one for the record books.
That’s awesome mate. I’ve been waiting to see this thing for a long time, and it turned out great. Not dissapointing at all. The working props are a cool addition. Great work.
My office?[;)]
Seriously though: Absolutely stunning; amazing work. Thanks for sharing the build, pictures, and history of the plane with us.
This has got to be one of the top three coolest models I have ever seen, and I love the camo. It’s just plain cool.
The very best kitbashed model I think I’ve ever seen. The spinning props are a great addition!
So now are you gonna update your signature?
Great model and thanks for the additional information on the development of the real plane.
Excellent work, I’m so stoked that I am going to get of the computer and go build!
Inspirational [:D]
totally awesome build!
drinks coffee, sees picture, spits it out yeah, it’s that good. I’d say that’s the best thing i’ve ever seen. I really hope you plan on taking that to an IPMS contest or two, because I’m sure you could get best of show. It’s beautiful!
[bow][bow][bow][bow] AMAZING !!!
That is seriously one of the coolest models I have seen ever. Congrats on finally finishing, and truly a year well spent. Thanks for sharing this beast of a plane.
Thanks for the feedback, everybody. I appreaciate it. I really do. Now, I’ll do my best to answer a couple questions about this beast.
First off, for the actual size of this thing. The length is unchanged from the kit- a bit over a foot. The wingspan is (obviously) the most altered dimention. When all was said and done I think it’s a couple inches shy of three foot. It’s actually not the largest kit I’ve built- that title goes to my 1/72 B-36.
The battery is in the left fuselage, under the Me 328. The cabin roof detaches, and the battery box is mounted on the cabin floor.
It is true, moving it is a challenge. Antennas and hinges and stuff sticking out everywhere. There is one place, though (between engines 1/2 and 7/8 on the front and back of wing) where you’re relatively safe. The finshed kit is actually pretty strong, thanks to a spar I put in, and the clever makeup of the kits themselves. Lots of pieces initially, but together they are very solid.
The paint scheme is one of my favorite parts. It’s somehow nice just to do random squiggles on a nice large “canvas”. (Oh, and don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t go through an entire bottle of paint on one model. I officially have no flat black left.)
As for contests, I would like to take it to the nearest one around, which is probably gonna be the one in Kalamazoo, MI, unless there’s one closer in northern Ohio I don’t know about. Getting it there, though, I envision being a project in itself.
Most of the photos don’t show it too well, but the model shows that I am still learning. There are several areas (like the wing/fuselage joint and inner wing joints) that are a bit sloppy. There are several decals that silvered really bad (flat black and decals don’t get along), and there are some seams that, despite all my efforts, refused to go away. I personally think I could do better with those specific areas, but I’m still extremely pleased with the result as a whole.
Wow. THat is big and really cool. Great job.