Yes, that’s right. After almost a year this thing is FINISHED!
I tried a bit of subtle pastel weathering on the engine exhaust stains.
Lots of aftermarket goodies fill the underside- Hs 293 glide bombs, Bv L10 glide torpedoes, and some RATO pods to help this sucker get off the ground.
It’s even got its own fighter escort! (Me 328)
And now- for the best (and my favorite) part of all- can you tell the difference between these two pictures?[:D]
Yes, those props are really spinning. No photoshop! Need a closer look?
Running engine and opened panels- usually not a good thing.
One more prop shot.
Now, for a short bit of history. The Ju 290Z is not a ficticious aircraft. It was actually put forward by Junkers as a possible improvement of the Ju 290 line. It was passed over for the comparitively less radical Ju 390.
The Me 328 was a parasite aircraft designed to use two Argus pulsejets (those used on the V-1s) and to protect the “parent” aircraft. Vibrations were too strong though, and several airframes were literally shook to pieces. Nothing more came of the project.
Mine’s painted in a night anti-shipping scheme of RLM 70/71 splinter oversprayed with RLM 65 “scribble”. It was meant to simulate moonlight on waves. Undersides are black. The anti-shipping guided bombs underneith (from the Condor set) go along with this aircraft’s “history”.
Altogether this build, though long, was a blast. Revell Germany’s Ju 290 is an awesome kit, and I highly recommend it to anyone here. I would like to eventually get some PE radar for both noses of this aircraft, but they can wait.
I’d like to thank londni_k for the swastika decals, and Swanny for the idea of motorizing it. There is one more person out there who gave me the RATO pods from an Me 323 ‘Gigant’ kit, but unfortunatly I forgot who it was. I’m sorry, and if you’re reading this, thanks. And thanks to everybody here, who put up with this build for a year. I hope I didn’t dissappoint.
Now. Where to put it…