got the frame assembled pretty easily minus one issue, the firewall is to be set into place and not glued until the engine is installed because you need to be able to tilt it to get the engine in, well I didn’t catch that until I already glued it, but all is good because it was early and came apart clean and with little effort.
got the engine half’s glued up, a little tamiya putty and sanding required to get everything smooth, black primer and tamiya flat aluminum air brushed on.
the exhaust needed a lot of help, I drilled out the tips and managed to drill out the side of two of them…nothing a little putty and sanding couldn’t fix. after fixing that mistake i scribed in between each exhaust pipe almost all the way through so it would look much deeper and realistic.
The tires are two pieces, after getting them glued up with gorilla super glue they looked awful, the mold lines are crazy and there were gaps in some places, I bet i sanded on the tires for 30 min each and still there is a line in the center but it looks way better than it did. Never delt with two piece tires and hopefully this is the last time.
Lastly I put the chrome parts in a ziplock bag and sprayed some oven cleaner on them, let it sit for about 10 min and the chrome was gone, washed them up with dawn and hot water. Primed the engine parts and the fuel tanks with black primer and sprayed them with a liquid chrome pen refill bottle I bought, First time trying this. It came out ok, better than the chrome the kit came with, but I’m just never satisfied with the chrome no matter how i do it.
I bought copper Tamiya poly paint for the body, waiting in the paint to arrive and i plan on leaving the lights off of the top.
I think I remember building this kit as the Monogram Cop Out. It was long ago as a kid, so, seem lines? what are seem lines? I remember those wrinkled rear wheels.
Since I botched the GT body paint I figured I see what I could mess up on this one while I figured out how to redeem myself on the GT. The chrome on the engine parts came out a perfect match to the flat aluminum engine block, so that wasn’t going to work for me. I looked through a bunch of pictures on the web and there really isn’t a pattern between cars, some have black valve covers some had black blowers, chrome covers, gold blowers so I can’t really mess this up . I found one I liked and the valve covers were gray and the blower was gold so I went with it, used Tamiya xf-84 on the valve covers and x-31 on the blower.
The distributor was literally a peg, I found a aluminum distributor in my junk drawer, found a 9 wire photo eched top for it and started running wire. I drilled out a photo eched oval piece and made a three wire loom. It’s coming together nicely so far I think.