In 1971, while stationed at Nha Trang AB, Vietnam, I was fortunate to work on four C-130E(I) Rivet Clamp aircraft assigned to the 90th SOS that conducted special operations under the code name “Stray Goose”. These were specially modified C-130E aircraft that were painted in a black and green camouflage scheme, which gave them a very sinister look. The Rivet Clamp aircraft were later upgraded and re-designated as MC-130 Combat Talons.
The many unique modifications of the Rivet Clamp aircraft included Terrain-Following Radar (TFR), Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) sensors, Forward Looking Infrared Radar (FLIR), Low Light Level TV (LLLTV), and the “Black Crow” Radio frequency Intelligence (RINT) sensor for locating ground vehicles. Many of the sensors they carried would later be used on the AC-130 gunships to locate targets; however, the Rivet Clamp aircraft carried no weapons. The Clamps also carried a host of special navigational gear and radios. And they were equipped with the Fulton aerial pickup system, made famous in the movie “The Green Berets”.
I was an ECM technician assigned to First Flight Detachment which was, at that time, part of the 90th SOS. Our primary job was supporting the C-123K “Black Bat” aircraft, but we also supported two defensive systems on the Rivet Clamp aircraft.
The aircraft I’ve decided to model is aircraft 64-0555, “Triple Nickel” (shown above) using Italeri’s 1/72 C-130E/H kit No. 015. I’ll be modifying the nose with a Flightpath C-130E-1/HC-130H/HC130P Conversion Set and adding some PE detail from Flightpath’s C-130 Hercules Detail Set. Everything else will be scratch built.