Your thoughts please...

Please see this thread posted in the Suggestions and Feedback section. I’m just interested in what everyone else thinks…

Well, you know what I think.


Boy,the days of the Military Modeler mag are lookin pretty good right now!

I get several Mags a month. One from England, another from Spain, and of coarse FSM. In one case I found an event advertised in my area by FSM. I had to plan a Day-off to attend. When I attended I foung nothing remotely concerning our Hobby. But FSM advertized it as something worth attending. I have started to look at this Mag with a different light since then. Other Mags seem to cover local shows and interests quite differntly and seem to be more discrimatings as not to waste their coustomers time.

Interesting to see the founder of Armorama pop in for a comment…other than that, I don’t subscribe to the magazine but do enjoy the armor forum section. I rarely venture outside the walls here though so that would definitely put me into the genre-specific type of modeller, at least in my online habits. [:D]

You know what I think?

How about let’s all go get some models done and post pics here?

Just kidding…