YIKES! HELP... USS Quincy Painting

So, 2 full days ago I sprayed this. I used some Tamiya tape to lay down to mark off some blotches to then cut out and place on. Ive never had to wait more than 2 days for the paint to cure…

Suggestions to fix it? Im guessing i should have waited longer for a cure? Using AKI acrylics for the 1st time. Guessing ill have to strip the whole thing? RATS! Thanks Wm


Need a little explanation. The bottom picture shows the hull paint Sea Blue, correct?

There are some gray areas near the stern that look like the paint tore up. What is the gray?


I’d like to be wrong here, but the instruction sheet there shows splotched camouflage on the deck. I think that is completely incorrect.


Hey Bill - yep on the deck - im not following that as its wrong as far as i can tell. So the grey you see on the hull is the primer. The plan was to do the splotches 1st - Ocean Gray on the hull. But i grabbed the wrong bottle like a dummy and started with Sea Blue. So i have the Sea Blue down and i put some tape down to mark the splotches so i could cut the tape and reapply to spray the OG splotches. When i lifted the tape, the paint came off. Ugh.

You can try a light sanding to feather out the edges if the rest of it is well stuck. Run a test on the rest of it to see if it comes up.

Kill some of the stickiness the next time by placing the tape on your pant leg or shirt before using on the paint.

What primer were you using, and did it pull that as well?

Bear with me here. What color is the underside of the blue paint chip?


if you’re talking about underneath the paint that was pulled up, it’s the gray primer.

got it. The primer I used is something I’ve been using for a bit now. But never before w/ aki paint. It’s rustoleum 2x ultra cover gray primer. Says works on plastic. In looking again at the directions it also mentions plastics made of polyethlene may hinder adhesion. Maybe the model is polyethylene?? It does not say if it works with acrylic or not or enamel or what??

The underside of the pulled up blue paint.

gray primer

Just fwiw I’ve seen in another forum where some guys tried that primer and had some trouble with it. Something about the formula change from the original Rustoleum which to my knowledge was just plain old lacquer and had been very good. They were disappointed in the new stuff. I don’t recall the nature of the problem but they reasoned this formula change was the culprit. Something similar happened with Krylon ( once upon a time I used the old Krylon with no issue but the new apparently isn’t so great). Just sayin.

I’m very happy with Stynylrez these days, however I have not shot AK acrylic over it, though I suspect it would be fine.

So the p[roblem is the primer pulling off the plastic, not the AK pulling off of the primer. That’s usually the case.

That will mean that your primer is a bust.

If you choose to strip it and repaint, I suggest you paint the spoltch color first.


The primer stayed. The AKI paint pulled off.

OK so if you pull off a chip of the blue that is flapping there, turn it over and look at the backside, it’s blue?

Acrylic should be dried and bonded to the primer well enough in two days to mask, in fact over night. Did you add extra thinner and what was it ? Any other ingrediences ?

hey bill- the chip is gone I’ve smoothed those spots with my fingers already. the Little bits of paint still on the tape even have some of my pencil marks showing. the Chips left on the tape are all blue.

at this point I can’t remember. Because of the bubbling I may have added some water or aki thinner. But because I messed up and was to spray the gray I hadn’t taped to the top of the boot stripe. after spraying and a short dry I pulled the tape and reapplied to the top of the boot stripe and sprayed again. So the paint is a little heavy I’m sure. Maybe it just needed more time to cure?

k. Tks for the tip on the primer. FWIW, the can mentions possible
poor adhesion on polyethylene plastic. But seeing as the primer stuck that probably is t the issue. Can you tell me how to tell if the model is of a polyethylene composition? I camt figure how to tell what they, models , are made of there is noting in the manufacture site.

K. I’m gonna let this dry and maybe ill

just hand paint the sotches???

Pretty simply put, coleman canoes and kids plastic ride on toys are polyethelene, nothing really sticks to it lol !! Most plastic model kits are styrene unless it’s a special order piece in resin. Your ship is almost surely styrene. Poly is flexible stuff, tie it in a knot and it will go back to it’s somewhat original shape…

I don’t know what happened here. I bet the AK sticks where you scuffed the primer. I tend to steel wool my primer coats before top coating, nothing fancy but it gets some dust flecks out and preps the surface for better adhesion. You shouldn’t have to generally speaking, it’s just an extra measure I take. The way your paint looked ripply where it peeled almost looks like it wasn’t dry deep inside, maybe just surface dry to the touch. Next time maybe take a hair dryer to it, that really bumps up the dry times on acrylics. Don’t cook it but just run the air over it for a few minutes. I see you’re in a commonly humid location, that may be a factor in this too. Not sure, I’m just throwing things out there.