Yes a GIRL Can!

If someone tells you that models are just for us guys.Place a bet with them and have them look at this link. Yes guys a Girl can build models. I know she beat my model building skill when I was 15 years old.


Check out Merideth’s work (mer1122)

We never said they can’t. Anybody “can”. It’s just who’s better that counts.

Model all you want but the remote and the BBQ are off-limits.

Nice to see their models on the site. :slight_smile:

Ladies and Gentlemen, let us not start a battle of the sexes on the forum. I know many females that can assemble models just as well or even better than some men. My wife just happens to not be one of them.

Great models by Merideth, by the way. Thanks for the link.


You think girls can do it?
Have you ever heard of Michelle Choquette (I think that’s how her name is spelled) and seen her big 1/32 and 1/24 scale fighters? Her work has been showcased on several occasions in FSM - and her models are rather awe inspiring - she seems to love open inspection panels and there’s heaps going on in her models - very nicely detailed and finished, I must say.
Her work is something that I would one day love to equal.

Hey leetree good call on Michelle Choquette…her models were not only museum quality, they were scratch built! She was a very talented modeler, a draftsman (woman) by trade, so that precise, technical mind produced some great scale examples. Unfortunately, she passed away in 98.

I’m not sure what relevance gender has as far as modeling goes. Maybe some men can stand the thought of being bested by a woman.

Thats really too bad to hear about Michelle. What a talented modeler she was. I loved that huge A-10 she did, very impressive.


Girls, I’ve found, tend to have more patience with models. I can see the difference in attitude between my step-son and my step-daughter, and saw it countless times when I was running the local junior model club. When they continue with the hobby in their later years, female modelers are usually extremely gifted and experienced. Michelle Choquette was such a woman.

No room for bias here! Everyfemale er’s work I’ve seen is as good as any guy’s work. Keep it upladies! (Dave, how 'bout a list of thefemale ers on the forum?)

Once I visited www of ladymodelbuilder - that’s amazing what she can do ! Regards for all lady-modelers ! Aleksander

I have found that almost anybody can build models better than i can, especially girls.


Yes, I’d bet most female’s would be/are just as good as any guy. I think the reason for the “male domination” of the hobby is primarily due to the subject matter of most models. Few women have an interest in military subjects, which we all know is the majority of the kits.

Hey, I new girls could build years and years ago, because my mom was a MUCH better modeler than my dad, back when I was too wee to build myself! I think pop just didn’t have the patience. I still have a few nice pieces that mom put together for me.
I think I blew up most of what dad built!
Sorry, pop!

I’ve known plenty of women and girls that could put guy’s models to shame.

Those who’ve been reading FSM for a while are not only familiar with the models of Michelle Choquette (Her 1/32 two seat AV-8 Harrier conversion from the old Revell kit was amazing) but the name Susan Atai might ring a bell with some of you too. She’s had a few of her projects featured in reader galleries, a couple of years ago she had a vinyl Alien in there and it was simply a mind blower, the paint job was amazing.

I’m pleased to share the hobby with female builders, I’ve seen plenty of kit packages with notations that the kit should not be for modelers under a certain age, but I’ve yet to see one that said “Guys only”

My wife actually built a 72nd scale P-47. Well, okay, one of the insignias on the underwing was upside down but still, she sanded, filled, aribrushed and washed it (with a lot of coaching and patience). Compared to that bird my first model (a ship) was a heap of abused, unpainted plastic. Shes now building a 72nd Hellcat. I fear the day when I’ll be asking her about techniques. Sniff sniff.

I think you’re right. My wife finds most of the subject matter boring (especially the military stuff). However she has built one NASCAR kit and an airplane for the boys. She wants to build another NASCAR kit soon.

I’m into gaming and historical miniatures, which she also finds boring, but she enjoys painting them. I have to admit that she did a fine job on them too.

Going back to subject matter and interests, take a look at dollhouse miniaturists. Having seen some of the work done by people in that hobby, I have to say I’m very impressed. A lot of stuff is done from scratch and with intricate detail.

BTW – for anyone looking for something to bribe the spouse with [;)], Kalmbach also publishes Dollhouse Miniatures

Hey Allan, I know what you mean. my missus built a couple of models (airfix P51 and kamov copter) and did a pretty good job of em too. i also taught her to play chess and she can now beat me almost every time. lucky she didn’t take up modelling really, mind you it would mean that all the plastic loft insulation up there may just get built if she did…LoL…Greg

I’ve done my part for breaking the gender barrier. Sunday I was picking up some stuff at a Walmart and stopped by the toy section to see what models they had. A 10 year old girl already there was looking the models over and asked if I knew anything about models [:D] Her mom suggested she try doing it just to try something different (thanks, mom!)

She was looking at the AMT sport cars and ‘we’ decided on a new Trans-Am. I mentioned to her a couple of local hobby shops so if she liked it, she could find a bigger selection of cars and supplies. She tanked me and went back to her mom with a big smile and a ‘Look what I’m getting!’

Thank heaven for little girls. [:)]