Ye olde Devastator

Went to the model show this weekend (did ok too) and through the raffle process I aquired Monograms TBD-1 Devastator (1/48) it kinda sorta goes with my vindicator time wise (42), and I was thinking possible diarama ( but several + brewski must pass before that decision), but some folk at the show didn’t think that highly of this kit especially the raised panel lines and corregated wings etc. What sort of “bear” have I won? Aftermarket stuff? I’ll do it in war time paint. Any info from you guys would be helpfull… thanks G.L.[:X]

actually, if you don’t mind the panel lines, a few seams, and needing to detail the cockpit, the kit isn’t all that bad… I’ve built it, ad the worst problem is the wing/fuselage fit, and the fuselage. The kit it pretty well detailed OOB, but compared to the pictures in the included “Historical Book”, it needs some work. It’s not too hard, though. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me, and good luck!

I’ve got the kit at home, and it doesn’t look too bad for it’s age. The raised panel lines can be re-scribed if you’re into that sort of thing. The corrugated wings aren’t that bad. It’s not as good as a modern kit, but it’s all we’ve got. It’ll just take a bit more effort. Good luck with your build and keep that putty ready…

The kit needs some modest work on the areas mentioned, but it holds up pretty well for a kit whose molds are over 30 years old. You can use the kit decals or go to the aftermarket for them. Aeromaster has a couple of nice sets for Devastators, as does Yellow Wings Decals. Enjoy your build.

I’ll echo what everyone else is saying. I built that same kit over 20 years ago, and it was one of the best looking aircraft on my shelf. The detail inside was one of the better ones I recall on a Monogram kit.

I think it can build up into a nice kit OOB, and could really take off with some “modern” treatments.

I echo what the others have said it’s an older kit that with a little work can be built into a nice model. Here’s one I finished awhile back.

Started this one and have yet to finish it. Not the best model to hit the market in my opinion. The decals were horrible. They are very thick and don’t want to set over the raised lines. However, yours was free so it’s a keeper then.[^]

[:D] Hey thanks guys, I didn’t think the kit was that awful either, I’ve had fun building worse. I’ll be lookin’ in my squadron & vp cataloges for am stuff-- the decals for sure they seem to be one of “my” problem areas anyway. I’m thinking of using streched sprue to replace the raised panel lines I sand off. Every model is an experiment ain’t it??? Thanks again…


i found if you do it with the wings folded it is ok but i had a lot of fit problems trying to do it with the wings flat

I echo the others here- it does round out the Pacific War part of your collection nicely-- here are a couple shots of my crack at it:

I am very interested to see what Trumpeter does with it’s 1/32 Devestator release scheduled for sometime this year!

It is a very nice kit, and the only game in town if you want a 1/48 Devastator. The interior and engine have excellent detail, especially considering when it was first released (1974). Raised panel lines are too often criticized. The devastator had overlapping panels, so recessed panel lines would be innaccurate anyway. There are slight gaps between wing/fuselage, but it is simple to fill, and this area is covered with a black wing walk, so you don’t even have to be that perfect in smoothing it out. I think too often we overlook some really nice models just because they are not made by Tamiya or Hasegawa. Have fun with this one!


I built this one recently, and I truly enjoyed it. While not to the level of Acc. Min., I found the level of detail to be quite good for an old timer; the only problem I encountered was the wing-fold feature lets the outboard wings droop, so I just disply it in the folded position! Enjoy the kit!

Brian [C):-)]