WWII US Battleships

As the “inaugural” post in the Ships forum, I thought it would be fun to start a compilation of US Battleships in WWII with links to some of their “official” websites and also related websites.

Enjoy. [:)]

PS - Feel free to post additional links.

WWII US Battleships

USS Utah (BB-31)
Commissioned on August 31, 1911

USS Wyoming (BB-32)
Commissioned on September 25, 1912

USS Arkansas (BB-33)
Commissioned on September 17, 1912

USS New York (BB-34)
Commissioned on April 15, 1914

USS Texas (BB-35)
Commissioned on March 12, 1914

USS Nevada (BB-36)
Commissioned on March 11, 1916

USS Oklahoma (BB-37)
Commissioned on May 2, 1916

USS Pennsylvania (BB-38)
Commissioned on June 12, 1916

USS Arizona (BB-39)
Commissioned on October 17, 1916

USS New Mexico (BB-40)
Commissioned on May 20, 1918

USS Mississippi (BB-41)
Commissioned on December 18, 1917

USS Idaho (BB-42)
Commissioned on March 24, 1919

USS Tennessee (BB-43)
Commissioned on June 3, 1920

USS California (BB-44)
Commissioned on August 10, 1921

USS Colorado (BB-45)
Commissioned on August 30, 1923

USS Maryland (BB-46)
Commissioned on July 21, 1921

USS West Virginia (BB-48)
Commissioned on December 1, 1923

USS North Carolina (BB-55)
Commissioned on April 9, 1941

USS Washington (BB-56)
Commissioned on May 15, 1941

USS South Dakota (BB-57)
Commissioned on March 20, 1942

USS Indiana (BB-58)
Commissioned on April 30, 1942

USS Massachusetts (BB-59)
Commissioned in May 12, 1942

USS Alabama (BB-60)
Commissioned on August 16, 1942

USS Iowa (BB-61)
Commissioned on Feb 22, 1943

USS New Jersey (BB-62)
Commissioned on May 23, 1943

USS Missouri (BB-63)
Commissioned on June 11, 1944

USS Wisconsin (BB-64)
Commissioned on April 16, 1944


US Navy - Battleships: List of Battleships

Additional References:

US World War II Battleships and Battlecruisers

Battleships of the United States

Capital idea my friend!
Whats your favorite scale?
Mine is 1/350 scale~
Have fun~

I like 1/350 myself, easier to work with when you have sausages for fingers !!!


Thanks for taking the time to compile the above posted info on WWII U.S. Battleships. Now if Trumpeter or some other kit maker would only do some state of the art 1/350th kits of these ships.

Having read a preview of Trumpeter’s upcomming U.S.S. Hornet, CV8, Which appears to be one of the best 1/350th ship kits produced, one only wonders what the industry could do for U.S. Battleships of that era.

Good Wishes And Good Modeling

Does any body know if there is a 1/350 scale model of the USS Wisconsin Battle Ship ? I would like to complete my set with all four of the Iowa Class Ships in 1/350th scale.

Thank you

What era are you trying to build her in? Tamaya makes the New Jersey in her modern role and and Tamaya makes a Missouri in WW II configuration. Both can be made into the Wisconsin very easy.

I would entertain the idea of building two models one for myself & one for my Father. I would build one in the WWII era & then also a modern one as well. Are there any reference books that I could use that you know of? I have a USS Missiouri setting in a boc right now & I waiting to put it togehter.

Floating Drydock.com has plans for both and http://www.history.navy.mil/index.html they pics of both ships in both periods of service.

There are 4 books which will be invaluable to you if you’re building an Iowa Class.

Bob Sumerall’s Iowa Class Battleships
Paul Stillwell’s Battleship New Jersey
Dulin and Garzke’s US Battleships of WW2
Norman Freidman’s US Battleships Illustrated Design History.

Floating Drydock also sells a plans book on the Missouri, about $40 last time I checked, but it has detailed line drawings not only of the ship but of the fittings as well. The running joke is that you can build a real one from this plans book.


Jeff Herne