I know AeroMaster used to make wood paneling decals in 1/48 scale, I’m not sure about 1/72 scale. Does anyone know if they still exist (or some other brand) or can someone direct me to an article about painting wood grain for props and WW I aircraft interiors? I have been away from scale modeling way too long and have a lot of catching up to do. Thanks a lot guys.
I haven’t seen wood paneling decals…
However in the car sets…I have seen people using contac paper for good results…
Like this
And I figure contac paper is gonna be alto cheaper and alot more available than any decal sets you might can find…
Don’t know what the detail leve is though…
Just a thought
I found this out when I painted an M-1 Garand in 1/6 scale. Paint the item in whatever brown base color you want (dark brown, light brown, etc…). Invest in a set of Windsor and Newton oil colors (they should last forever, they come in complete sets that should cover most colors). Take a wide bristle brush, set it in either the burnt umber color, or another color that will contrast (like a tan, or light brown) and pull the brush along the item. It leaves convincing lines, and since the wood used was usually high quality, you dont have to worry about knot holes in the wood. It also leaves a realist raised panel from the paint, which gives it a wood feel…try it a few times, it works great
I thank Rowdymon very much but I think that wood grain contact papper would be way out of scale and too heavy for 1/72 scale. However- you never know so when I get my hands on a peace I will give it a try. And I will certainly try the Windsor and Newton paints if I can find them in NJ. If not will any oil paint do? I assume the base coat should be an acrylic.
Thanks to both of you
Rich (lpolpo22)
Pegasus make 1/72 scale woodgrain decals try www.pegasusmodels.com
Thanks to nzgunnie for that link. I have sent for one shade of each.
Rich (lpolpo22)
Tauro of Italy, makes wood grain decals in 1/48 scale.
I buy them from Squadron.com.
Sorry, in my first reply I left out that Tauro, also makes a medium wood grain color decal in 1/72 scale.