Wits end with airbrushing Tamiya acrylics

Hi all,

can anyone tell me why I’m getting this speckled metallic effect with Tamiya paints please? I’ve cleaned my airbrush very well, I’ve thinned the paint a little and I’m using 20-25lbs on my compressor. This issue doesn’t seem to happen with Vallejo paints.

Example photo

Cant see the pic. What are you thinking with? In thin tamiya with 94% isopropyl alcohol about 60/40 and spray around 18lbs.


i use Tamiya X20a for thinning.


So can you see the photo and the issue I’ve described?
the thing is, yet again I feel like I’ve been doing all the right things - gosh I’ve watched so many instructional videos.

some times airbrushing is just easy, and other times nothing goes right.
I just spent some time spraying Vallejo on a 1/48th scal Spitfire, only to have the airbrush clog up. The number of videos saying Vallejo doesn’t need to be thinned must be wrong.

scratching my bald head!


Thin the paint to the constancy of skim milk. Play with the pressure, personally I dont shot that high. I prefer laqure thinners, I get better results.

What type of compressor is used, constant or air tank?

Good luck.

Text removed.

I understand your frustration have had it myself. Other than thinning enough I found that a drop of Tamiya paint retarder helps with lowering or even eliminating the spattering of Tamiya metallic acrylics. I’ve only tried it once but it seemed to make a definite improvement when I used it. I also thin them 50/50 with Tamiya X20A.

We have likely all had to just go through the experimental stages of learning what works, and what doesn’t. Speaking strictly from my own experience, this works for me, and I am a Tamiya acrylic user.

First, a thorough cleaning of the airbrush. Then make sure you have completely stirred your paint, just shaking the bottle is not enough. For thinning I use both X-20A or 71 to 90 percent alcohol, I don’t notice a significant difference.

I use a 50/50 mix to start, that is for broadcast work, like a full coverage base coat. I make adjustments as determined by test spray results. The majority of my work is at a psi of 15 to 20. I use Badger gravity feed airbrushes.

I know it sounds contrary to the general method for thinning, but this works for me. I will often end with a thinning ratio of 60/75 percent thinner to paint, for smaller areas like gear wells, cockpits and such. It is watery, but sprays very well, just be careful to avoid runs. With practice it is amazingly easy to control and produces some really nice, smooth coats. And remember, the thinner the paint, the more you have to reduce the paint flow. You can’t have a wide open blast when paint is thinned more.

Try a new bottle, THOROUGHLY stir the contents to a smooth blend, transfer to a small container and add thinner, get some scrap plastic and start just varying thinning ratios, psi and distance to the surface. In general about one or two inches will be enough to prevent the rough, pebbly finish as shown in your example.

I’ll be surprised if you don’t quickly find finishes that you like, once you’ve tested enough to learn what works best for you. Good luck, let us know how it goes if you find time.


I like the results I get from using Tamiya Lacquer Thinner instead.Iso never worked for me,came out dry,chalky.

Vallejo Model Color or Panzer Aces needs thinning and their Flow improver.

Thanks for the great advice Patrick!

Hey your welcome,anytime.

I can’t speak for the OP, but being a man, I think with the same thing all other men do, John.

dj, you mention you have been having no trouble with Vallejo. What concerns me here is whatever you are thinning your Vallejo with will not work with Tamiya, and you haven’t addressed the question what are you thinning with.

Process of elimination and all that.

Patrick makes a good point. I’ve been at this a while and every time I try a new paint, seems to be a new adventure. I think we all understand.

I use X20A for thinning. Isn’t that fine for all acrylic paints?

Not sure but a good question to see if anyone has ever tried.

I wouldnt use it for Vallejo,smells like its alcohol based.

No, but that’s the ticket for Tamiya. [Y]

So the good news is you are thinning with the right stuff. Bad news is I have no idea why you are having trouble with the Tamiya. I seldom use it, but it generally airbrushes like a dream.

It would also help to know which airbrush you’re using. I wouldn’t want to try airbrushing Tamiya metallics with anything with less than a 0.3mm nozzle. I use a 0.35 brush and that seems to be right on the limit.

Generally speaking, all the suggestions above are fine for the regular Tamiya paints. their metallics are a slightly different animal.

I find that the metallic pigments in Tamiya’s paints are quite coarse/heavy and have a tendency to settle out of suspension quite quickly if the paint is thinned too much. Non-metallic Tamiya paints can be thinned quite heavily and still give great coverage. This is not quite so with the metallics.

If you go much past one part X-20A thinner to two parts paint, particularly with a gravity feed brush, the metallic particles settle quickly and the airbrush action is not smooth. It will start to spray and then stop. Pull the trigger back a little more and it will shoot shiny clumps of concentrated metallic particles without much of the carrier colour.

If you are using a siphon feed brush, you can swish the paint around in the jar to keep the particles suspended. If using a gravity feed, you need to work quickly and get it done before the particles settle in the bottom of the paint cup. Use a slightly higher than typical pressure for Tamiya (say 22-25PSI).

I’ve been using Tamiya acrylics since they hit the market nearly 40 years ago and while I love using the regular colours, the thought of airbrushing the metallics is still intimidating. You never know how they’re going to behave on any given day. With the rapid settling of the metallic pigments, conditions change from moment to moment.

Just out of curiosity sake, has the OP gotten Tamiya paint of any sort spraying yet ?