Winter Luftwaffe Whitewash Help - WWII

I want to try and build some WWII winter Luftwaffe planes but there isn’t reall much out there on the process. I could DOT Filter but I really dont know if this is the right way to go. There is lits of stuff on armor and many aircraft builds on You Tube but I havnt found anyone doing the faided whitewash scheme.

Any one know of a tuturial or maybe a build vidio where the modeler does the winter temporary paint?

You can likely use some of the same techniques as used armor builds, such as the “hairspray” method. It all depends if you want to depict a freshly whitewashed aircraft, or one that is more well used and worn off in high use areas.

Practicing on an old build is a great way to try it out.

I figured fresh or slightly faded would be easy enough but the worn out whitewash is something I would like to try.

Anyone else have any tips for aircraft or do I just try the methods for armor?

I haven’t tried it, I’m not up on white wash on airplanes anyway. But I had this thought that one of the chalk weathering techniques might do what you’re after. There are several videos that can be found on youtube regarding chalk weathering. I’d try it out at least, weather the snot out of some junk plastic or plastic spoons lol. I may even experiment with this myself for general weathering of ground equipment and vehicles, sounds interesting.

Other than that the hairspray technique is pretty straight forward.

Head over to the aircraft section and look at Aggie’s post on the Yak. It looks fantastic and he explains the process. I believe Hoss recently completed a Luftwaffe subject in whitewash so look the section over.

Thanks, I’ll check both out.

I have lots of old builds to use as test beds