White winter uniform

I got a couple of 1/35 Tamiya Germans in winter clothes that I’m going to build next. I’m thinking about painting them Tamiya flat white and weather them with flat black, maybe 1:5 - 1:10 dilution, depending on results. Is black a good color for weathering white uniforms? Or should I go for some chocolate brown instead? They will be in a diorama with a little snow and some mudd. /Lars

None, absolutely NONE of the above.

First, don’t use Tamiya for figures:;they don’t brush well at all. .

Second, use a gray as your base with darkened gray as a shadow and white as a highlight for white clothing. Mixing some blue into the base gray will cool the effect while brown will warm it.

Third, and most imprtantly, don’t use Tamiya for figures; they don;t brush well at all

I know about Tamiya, they can be horrible to paint with. I got some Vallejo and Andrea too, but unfortunately they are only sold in one shop in Tokyo as far as Vallejo has listed on their website, and most of the paint was sold out last time I was there. Some more should arrive this month. Do you have any reference to any grey color I can use? It sounds like I have to mix by myself, I haven’t seen anything straight from bottle that could pass as winter uniform white. Thanks for the tips, btw. /Lars