I’m in need of two sets of ring and bead sights for a couple of P-40’s I’m working on. Can these be had by themselves or must one buy a whole kit of PE?
And while I’m asking questions, the kit call out for the colors I need for Middlestone and Dark Earth are:
Middlestone =Xtracolor X9 or Floquil 303153
Dark Earth =Xtracolor X1 or Floquil 303143
Anyone know what the best matching FS595 numbers are?
Thanks for any and all help!
Eduard makes a photoetch fret of just ring and bead gunsights in 48th scale, which I have used. It’s part number is EDU48411. There are numerous different types, but for the P-40 it has five sets. Definitely worth the price (about $10 US) if you are into those details. Since I mainly do 48th scale, that’s all I’m familiar with.
For Middlestone and Dark Earth, I have used both Xtracolor and Model Master enamels. My color vision is sadly lacking, and to be honest I can tell little if any difference between the two brands. Both look the part, though. Remember, these are RAF colors. I believe there are no exact FS matches, but am not positive about that. AMtech says they are approximates of FS30266 and 30118.
Hope this helps,
Thanks! This will be a HUGE help!
Most RAF colours have BS (British Standard) numbers, the Germans used RLM and these days RAL. Middle Stone does not seem to have a BS number which probably just means it’s not a colour listed by by British Standards. The FS numbers are the correct ones but can be approximate. RAF Dark Earth, French Earth Brown and Polish Kharki are all FS30118 but are slightly different to each other. Aircraft built in the USA were painted with equivalent colours. Dark Earth was ANA617 and Middle Stone ANA615 I think. I think this website has some colour photos of desert P-40s in the Earth/Middle Stone/Azure Blue scheme: