Where They Were (Deployment of Nuclear Weapons)

Interesting article…

Where They Were
Between 1945 and 1977, the United States based thousands of nuclear weapons abroad. The weapons’ hosts did not always know they were there.
By Robert S. Norris, William M. Arkin & William Burr

Given the enormous attention paid to nuclear weapons, it may come as a surprise to most people that until now we have had only fragmentary information about where, when, and under what circumstances the United States deployed nuclear bombs overseas.

But now, an important historical document has been provided to the authors in response to a Freedom of Information Act request. The document, titled History of the Custody and Deployment of Nuclear Weapons: July 1945 through September 1977, is a lengthy narrative complete with charts and appendices that documents the growth of the U.S. nuclear arsenal. It also includes what were—until now—some of the U.S. government’s most closely guarded secrets: the deployment of nuclear weapons in such sensitive places as Japan, Greenland, Iceland, and Taiwan.

That’s a rather scary article, there!

I guarded Nukes for 2 years when I was in the Marines… all overseas while I was in the PRP Program.

I would like to know where the Soviets hid their NBC weapons and if they can locate them today.

I think that may be part of the problem, kaleu. They can’t locate them all. Since the fall of the USSR, individual Soviet states were not really required to report their nuclear armaments status, mainly because there was no governing body to regulate it. Why do you think there is so much fear of WMD in the world?

NEST(Nuclear emergency situation teams) has been really over worked recently.

I think that I will stick my head back in the sand and find my happy place now.

P.S. Were the soviet suitcase bombs just a myth or do they really exsist?

Hey James,
I don’t see why not. The US had a small nuke they shot from a recoiless rifle. It was an active program up until 1972. If they can fit it for that, they could certainly fit one in a suitcase. Move over.


Thousands of tons of drugs are smuggled into the country every year.
So why not a couple of suit case bombs.
Now imagine .
Someone trys to get one in the country and gets caught.
Should it be made public and cause widespread panic and histaria not to
mention embaress a certain soviet government?
Or should it be kept secret to protect the american public from parinoia?
Maybe this is why we have not been prepared by the government like we were in the sixties.
It would only cause us harm in the long run.

I for one would like to know whats going on but I am also afraid of the truth.
I think their are some very bad things going on out their that we do not know about and I think we are better off not knowing what they are.

U.S. Army Special Forces carried a back pack Tactical Nuke. It was a one way trip.

On a funny note, some friends and I came up with the idea of using homing pigeons surgically ffitted with small tactical nuclear devices, remote detonated of course. Just imagine a flock of Nuclear Pigeons! They’d be unstoppable!

It wouldn’t suprise me if the DoD has’nt already thought of that one.

Look what they can do with dolphins and seals.

Man, talk about a pigeon droping one one your car!