Where is the best place to shop on line?

Where is the best place to shop on line for models and supplies? I know of a few, but I would like to get some popular opinions.

My specialty is WWII aircraft and sci-fi.

Go to Squadron.com,excellent fill rates with timely shipping and pretty good pricing on kits.have never had a problem with them.

I’ve had great luck with Squadron. Only once (out of over a dozen times) was there something out of stock, and they sent a prompt refund.

Three votes for Squadron ( http://squadron.com/ ).

Another good place is Steve’s Scale Hobby ( http://scalehobby.com/ ).

Fade to Black…

I’ll vote for Squadron too. I also like Great Models - http://www.greatmodels.com Their search engine thinks like I do. Plus they have a very large inventory and their prices seem to be competitive.

Most definitely Squadron.

For Cutting Edge brand decals and great aftermarket resin, also try Meteor Productions at www.meteorprod.com

Well there´s a store that i like very much, is a mexican one www.hobbymex.com and theres another that is a very good one also http://shop.store.yahoo.com/internethobbies/


My Best Regards
Hector Reymundo

This one is also very good!


Let’s not forget evilBay!! [:0]

Heck, even with all the potential pitfalls of eBay, that’s where I’ve done the majority of my online buying. (And selling! Speaking of, 50% off listings up to $9.99 start price until tomorrow. I’m gonna be a busy little beaver… [:p])

Fade to Black…

First and foremost for me is:


I will also put in a vote for Squadron

modelexpo has always done well by me…

it’s www.hobbylinc.com for me too! great prices and very speedy, i end up saving money over my local shop the minute i buy more than 1 item

I like www.hannants.co.uk too, but their strength lies in planes and AFVs.

If anyone can recommend a UK or Euro-based online shop which sells aftermarket stuff - white metal wheels, driver figures, engines, decals etc - for 1/24 cars, I’d be grateful [:)]

I’ve had very good luck with www.greatmodels.com. Fairly cheap, great shipping, and I can get everything there all at once, even the pretty rare stuff from obscure manufacturers. Like Steve-O said, can’t forget ebay. It’s amazing what you can get there. (picked up the 1/32 A-10A for under $40)

Let me put a plug in here for Rollmodels.com. Very competitive on prices, great service, informative website with reviews. The one thing I do not like about Web shopping (am I showing my Luddite ancestor roots) is that I like to see the box, check out the printing on the side and so on.

I use squadron and modelmecca. Missionmodels is the site where I go for aftermarket and full resin kits.

I abandoned Squadron about ten years ago because they never had anything in stock. That does not seem to be the case today as I’ve tried them again recently and have had very good service from them. My main supplier, however, is greatmodels.com
I would recommend both today.

I have ordered several times from Greatmodels.com. They appears to have a decent webiste and their prices are very good, but I feel somewhat jaded as many of the items they claim to have in stock are in-fact not. I would say of the 20 or so items I have ordered, about 5 have been immediately in stock. Of the rest, some eventually make it in from their distributors and many do not. They also put your orders on hold until you give them a status as to what you want to do - manual intervention. And then it takes them at least 48 hours to close the order and ship it.

Squadron by comparison has been very prompt in filling their orders. I have encountered a couple of items that they had listed but didn’t have in stock, but no where near the amount of backorders I’ve encountered with Greatmodels.

Ah, to have an Amazon-like system with up-to-date inventories :wink:

  • Snacko