So sue me! There has NEVER been a model that is so perfect that it cannot be fodder for Scratch-Builders. How can I say that? It’s simple, it’s true! I was brought up in a working man’s home Twice. Adoptive Dad and Mom and Foster/Adoptive Mom and Dad. For most of the time I got an allowance. Anywhere from 50 cents a week to two Dollars a week!
If I didn’t do Chores and then Homework on time this was in jeopardy. I didn’t eat Three Musketeers and Snickers candy. I ate Now and Later or other extendable brands. Why? Well, They didn’t impact my modeling budget to badly!
Remember, ships back then went from 79 cents to $2.50 cents! Sure, nowadays that isn’t much. Yeah, Well times change. Habits die hard though. I still have a modeling budget and it is slowly being dominated by the costs of the infrastructure stuff, Yup, Paint, Glue,Super-Glue and Sandpaper and Filler etc.
So, A Glue-Bomb Titanic got a shorter and lower profile. Why? perfect for a Tramp Steamer of the same era! And a large Glue Bomb A/C Carrier became a Super Tanker! Evergreen plastic in many shapes and sizes are cheaper than a whole kit nowadays. The New Kits I have used this way have been Liners, Carriers and other ships that fill the bill.
I bought an Indianapolis and converted it to a Collier. Why? the shape was right and no one makes one. Ya see I have a problem. I got fed up with building the whole hull and decided to cut corners to get one and also enhance my parts bin. Now ,if I decide to build an unknown Warship, Armored Cruiser or Armed freighter I have guns and other stuff to use or trade for what I need.
I have a passion for building what is not in kit form. Why? What better way can you think to spend quality time with the persons next to your kids you like best. In that case isn’t that Me, Myself and I? Spouses should Never enter into this equation though. They may be the ones who find that ship you were hoping to find, at a Flea-Market or Yard Sale!
Now think carefully. How many types of ships can you think of that are not issued in kit form? How many hulls or hull parts meet the requirements? Well, time to chop up the Nimitz right? Oh, there models out there. Pre-Assembled and very costly and often not in a very Impressive size. When you choose to do a Super-or Mega-Tanker or Cruise ship you are actually saving money.
The kit may cost a couple of hundred. That beats the couple of thousands you would pay for a Pre-Built in the size you want and often they don’t build them in that size. Like say, Maybe you really have to have the " Disney Majik" The 1/700 is costly, but the 1/350 is prohibitive. Unless you want to build in paper.
Now if you’ll excuse me I have to get back to Converting this Titanic to a Converted Armed Personnel Carrier and Cruiser from late W W -1