When did Modelkasten first start producing sets??

Anyone know? My earliest recollection of their stuff came about 1995 or so I think.


The rubbing of the old grey beard again. I am almost certain that the first time I heard of model kasten was for the production of the tracks in the GUNZE SANGYO “hi tech” Panther G in the late 80’s. A review was in MILITARY MODELLING at the time that caused an uproar from people whose lives were shattered by the thoughts of paying £45.00stg. for a kit.thats about the time that a company called “THE SHOW MODELLING” was producing etch sets.

A lot of the gunze hitech kits used donor parts from other companies under licence of course.

Over this side of the pond HISTOREX agents carried both ranges.

I remember picking up some kasten stuff at EURO MILITAIRE around 1990.

Anyway, late 1980’s in anyway, disco bars, pre-Karaoke, MIAMI VICE suits, and non-working links in the usual brown plastic.



Thanks Terry…

But the visual about disco bars, pre-Karaoke, MIAMI VICE suits, that just makes me cringe… :slight_smile:
