What's the point?

What’s the point of all these stupid " What’s the point " questions? I’m starting to get a little tired of it.

The point is to make pointed points about pointless subjects. [}:)]

I don’t know whats worse, that I answered this pointless topic on the points of pointless topics, or that my pointless answer kinda makes sense.[:p]

It is a way to get to know one another. If you don’t want to join in on the topics, just go on to something else in the forum. Everyone has to lighten up and enjoy their time spent on the site. It doesn’t have to be cut and dry modeling all the time.

I agree with Berny. It’s way to share opinions and getting to know what each other think. If we all talk about modeling, this place would be pretty boring.

You have to right to skip reading those,other people have the right to post whatever they want.

So what was the point again? :slight_smile:

Some good points in this pointless topic. May I also point out that my point is completely satirized for your pointless protection. So, point that thing someplace else.

Thank you Berny, well said.

Yes, well said Berny. Hope no-one is upset over my pointless attempt at humor.

Bravo, berny, demon69 and claymore! I think we get the point! just remember to point it downrange if it’s loaded! :slight_smile:

Point is, I like those questions too…! Berny is right. It’s all about knowing each other and knowing why we model particular stuff. I do not get annoyed when someone asks ‘What’s the point with 1/144 aircraft’. It’s an opportunity to convince people that there is a point in doing 1/144 aircraft.

That’s something you’ll never be able to convince me of, DJ. [;)]

Fade to Black…

Your loss, dear Friend… :wink:

Honestly, I’ll model just about any scale or type of kit if the subject interests me. I have a single 1/72 model of Heller’s AWACS, and I got it because I really like the looks of it. Besides, could you imagine the sheer size of the kit in 1/48 or 1/32 scale? My house isn’t that big.

Ultimately, questions like the “What’s the point” series give a bit of insight to why we do certain scales, topics, etc. I enjoy the chance to pick peoples’ minds and hear a good debate every once in awhile.


Uhhh…what was the question again??? [;)]


I guess I should have worded my question better. I was trying for humor, not to rile people up. I guess I didn’t get the point across very well.

I think it turned out great. You got some humorous and some serious questions. I don’t think anybody really got riled.

There is a lot of pointing going on around here. [8D][8D][8D]

Berny, what’s your point? [;)]

Fade to Black…

Blackwolfscd, my point is I made a point that there was a lot of pointing, get the point? [:p]

We had to keep our point covered with a scabbard. No one is allowed to see it.