Technically,the title says it all.I’m new to modeling,but I just use water for my waterslide decals to apply.Why do you really need all these Decal “Setters”,and “Softeners”?
They soften the decal and draw it down into recesses, such as panel lines and over any lumps and bumps. Even on a flat surface they help the decal draw the decal down.
Edit: And remember, decals are best placed on a gloss surface, not everyone realises that.
Yes they definitly help,not on a smooth surface,but any irregular surface,like the Zimm on a German tank and other things as mentioned.
I use the Micro Set and Micro Sol
Also Solvaset is good,very strong.
Try some as a test. You will get better results with Micro Set.
I’m not sure I agree with that, as stated. You can apply decals on a rough surface, like the coat of Zimmerit Tojo mentioned, and use a setting solution to help the decal settle.
The gloss surface is specifically to help reduce the amount of silvering that occurs under clear parts of decals when air is trapped under the film. A gloss coat reduces the number of tiny pits and pockets in the surface, where air can get trapped. A matte surface looks matte because it has those pits and pockets and they scatter light.
I don’t think the gloss coat helps decals adhere any better than an unglossed surface, for example. Just that it’s less likely to silver.
Remember that a decal is a color deposited on a carrier film.
Water dissolves the adhesive that holds the decal to the backing paper, but it doesn’t really dissolve the decal itself.
Setters and softeners dissolve it, which is how they help get it to settle down on a surface. And the difference between them is how hot they are. Setting solutions are hotter than softeners, but they both dissolve the decal.
And as you go on in the hobby, you’ll find that not all brands of decal are the same. Some brands are known for being thicker than others, for example. They usually don’t settle down on the surface without help.
OK,thank you for the info!I guess I’ll just order some later,because I have been having a hard time placing decals.
I’m terrible at decals and these products help my game. Microsol (blue) first and then decal over that. It does seem to help with adhesion. Then I put Microset (red) over the decal after I carefully press water out from under the decal. If it’s thick decals Solavaset works well. You might see the decal wrinkle like crazy. This is good DONT TOUCH IT.
No reason not to try them. I think Set and Sol can be picked up for $5 or less. They will last for dozens of models unless you knock the easy to spill bottles over.
So you need 2 different setters in order to make it easier?I’ll check em’ out!
One is used before the decal goes down and the other is used after its down and in the right place. The after one, Microsol or Solvaset, help the decal conform to panel lines and other surfaces. Thats the way I use it anyway. There are many of these products available.