I was in Hobby Lobby yesterday in the fabric department. I was buying some fine netting for a fishing net- I am starting a Lindberg Shrimp Boat. I perused each isle going from the fabric department over to check out the modeling section. I found a couple of gems. One isle had dry transfer lettering! they had 1/16, 1/8, and 3/16 sizes (along with a bunch of giant fonts. The smaller fonts were only in black, but should be useful for a lot of model needs. Then, in another isle I found diorama supplies- very nice trees and vegetation. This was in the STEM isle, where their robotics kits are. Funny combination to me, but that vegetation looked real nice. I have often looked around at HL, but had never checked out those isles before. Pays to look around.
Yes, I found some little gem bling things that make a good substitute for MV lenses. Too bad they don’t have more sizes in the smooth pearl type. Plenty of sizes in the multi faceted style… but yes, lots of model usable goodies in the other aisles.
You’d be surprised what you can find in HL or Michael’s crafts stores. This is a common pratice for me. It’s like walking into a box of chocolate, you’ll never know what you’re gonna find.
You have to be careful though . I found some lettering sets That I thought would work on models . I tried to apply them and after burnishing them they stuck to the backing paper . Then they were also somewhat brittle as well .
Another source that might have had them in the right size from time ot time used to be Office Max . But they went the way ( The Product) of the Do-Do . Oh ! I forgot , these younger folks don’t know what a Do-Do is do they ? LOL.LOL. T.B.
Rub downs need to be applied to paint, pref. matte.
Don, did you find anything for fishing net? Asking for my Revell fishing trawler…
Yes, I did! The only problem is that it was some sort of plastic netting and I could not dye it. However, I used a dark red spray paint, and it looks fine. It was really cheap, less than two bucks.
Babybel cheese comes in mesh bags that look similar. At least two sizes available Ar Costco.
The idea of Dio supplies in the STEM aisle is cool. Many of the " STEM " kiddos around here do their projects with a nice groundwork setup , if needed .
Dropped by yesterday to pick up some paint. I saw a lot of kits from brands HL had not carried before, like a lot of Airfix and Atlantic models. In fact, they had the new Atlantic Mercury Atlas and launcher. I recently bought that a full price from Atlantic. Would sure have used my coupon on that and swallowed the cost of the paint. [:|]