G’day all,
I’m just about to start my 1/72 Airfix Westland Lysander and was hoping someone has some good pictures of the cockpit and or interior, as the airfix kit is as basic as they come.
Cheers Leo
G’day all,
I’m just about to start my 1/72 Airfix Westland Lysander and was hoping someone has some good pictures of the cockpit and or interior, as the airfix kit is as basic as they come.
Cheers Leo
I hope these are of help, taken by me at Duxford with the kind assistance of the engineer on this project. This is a Westland built example and not a Canadian built example.
And finaly a photo of the state of play with my Venerable Matchbox Lysander:
I hope those photos help, as you can apreciate with a aeroplane this big trying to get photos is rather tricky. It is also rather squashed into the building and trying to get a clear photo whilst not touching anything was hard.
I built that one. I used zinc chromate… not for reasons of historical accuracy but because the instructions said so! HA!
Really though …just do a bang-up job on the crew members and that’ll be all the fine detail you’ll need on it (imo). That, and take your time on the considerable canopy framework. Those features are what is most noticible on my model.
Hey! Now I’ve got a reason to take a couple photos of it… (stand-by)
Ive left the crew members out of mine as they are pretty poor representations and i cant be botherd to paint them.
Thanks for the pics ollie. I’m the same with the crew-can’t be bothered and they will most likely look pretty crappy.
There was a Lysander GB on the Unofficuial Airfix Modellers’ Forum a couple of years ago.Many participants used the Airfix 1/72 model as the basis of their build. You might find it of interest.
I put quite a bit of effort into accurizing the cockpit on my build, only to wonder if it was worth the effort. You really can’t see all that much through the thick glazing, and I don’t think that thee’s a vac-form alternative.
I agree with the comments on the figuires, im not even going to post photos of them. The look like they have been run over with a steam roller. If i wasnt trying to get the model finished for Telford this year i would be tempted to sculpt my own crew members for it.