Weathering Tracks

Finsher building my 6th model a Jagdpanther by Tamiya. Reseached on you tube and came up with 10 way to weather track. So i will post this to see what has worked for you. I tried, mixing plaster with pigment, I have AK dirt and deposit and their Mud kits which is strictly a wash. Tried mixing the K washes with plaster and pigments. Tried splatter effect with airbrushing wash to create splatter . But nothing seems to work out as well as I hoped.

so what works for you— yes spray a light coat of NATO Black and Red Brown. On the track, but slo noticed by weathering the track off the model and then trying to place to track on the model I lose half the effects.

I am anxious to see the response myself. I am doing my first tank and getting close to putting the tracks on.

There are multiple ways to approach tracks. Part of it depends upon the type of tracks (link & length, indy link, Fruils, gluable rubber bands, heat joined rubber bands), and part of it depends upon what environment and look you want to replicate. What works on one type and finish is not good for another.

I start by painting them gun metal then dry brush steel. If I just want to show a little dirt or sand I mix some mig pigments with a bit of water and slop it allover the tracks and roadwheels. After it dries I go back in with a old stiff brush and knock of the excess. If I want a lot of mud I use vallejo mud.

I do the painting and washes with the tracks off the model. I add any pigments, mud etc once they are fitted. That way it blends in with the rest of the running gear. For pigments i mix them in a little water and then apply wet. This way they can be built up and once dry excess can be removed with a brush.