I have seen a couple of magazine articles on building the Tamiya M3 Lee and they mention replacing the kits 75mm barrel with a resin one that has the counter balance weight from a company called Washington Models.
Does anyone know how to find this company or a distributor of this companies products ?
Hey Mitchell … I’m totally striking out in finding any info on this company. What magazine did you read this article in?
A workable option would be to pick up an aluminum barrel fron a company like Jordi Rubio and then scratch build a counterweight for it. I’ll keep looking though.
Not sure if the new Academy (if and when it comes out) M3 will have the weighted barrel or not. They say it will be released this fall.
The article is in Vol. 1 of Model Expert, Military Series published by Periscopia Publications(ISBN 960-86822-2) and written by Steven J. Zaloga.
Try this one Mitchell
Washington Armor Productions
PO Box 66
Riverdale, Maryland
Jamie Olson
4709 Sheridan St.
Riverdale, MD 20737