vw beetle wreck dio!!!!

Im trying to build a dio of a tank on top of a vw . The vw is done ,the tank is almost done . The question is,how does one create the damage to the vw without desroying the vw alltogether???. I want the look of the weight of the tank resting on the hood of the vw with the rest of the body intact. ANY and all replys would be greatly accepted. Thanx muchly.[B)][^][?]

Well it’s a dificult job. But 1st search in net vw damaged and good luck

Here is how I did it.

I simply heat-formed/bended the VW to show just the front being crushed as the M60 begins to roll over it.

Good luck.

in one of my books i’ll have to look it up there is a car smashed in to a king tiger but thats all i can come up with. i will say though that there would not be much of the VW left and thats even if a stuart ran over it. but i’m sure it can be done. good luck[8]

Cool dio Gino, can you post more pics?

thanks for the replys guys,im sure that i can come up with something.by the way,greatlooking dio of the m60.