VOTE! Best Non-Anglo-American X-Plane since 1948!!!


I though it would be interesting to see what people are interested in regarding Experimental designs of X-Planes since the second world war. Though I would make it tougher by seeing what people are interested in beyond the obvious home country prototypes…please give me your opinions!

My Fav’s…

French Mirage G8, Mirage I, Mig-21I, Soviet Ye-50, Mig-23PD



CF-101 Arrow- not only one of the best fighters of the interceptor era, but a lesson on the importance of leaving politics out of the equation. Also the forgotten CA-15 Kangaroo fighter, the Aussie’s best prop job.

I would also have to go with the CF-101 Arrow. The aircraft was so ahead of its time, it would still be usefull today. Not only that, it was great looking aircraft.

I can’t say that they are the ‘best’ at anything other than pissing rubles down the toilet but I have a certain affection/fascination with some of the Soviet X-bombers such as the Sukhoi T-4 and the Myasischev M-50. They were truly unique specimens. Okay, so the T-4 was a schlocky copy of the XB-70, but that’s part of what makes it so interesting.


True, expensive but to be honest most experimental aircraft were argueably a waste of money in any country they were made in, but in any case id have to agree. I Also am a fan of the Myasischiev M4 Bison four engined bomber. The M50 was very cool as well. What most impressed me about the Suchoj T-4 is that the majority of it was made from Titanium! Would a bullet even be able to penetrate it? As well, it was the test bed for much of the science behond the Tu-144 airliner…



Oops, i meant the Soviet Mig Ye-150! Looks like an F-16 and mig-21 had a lovechild!



It has to be the TSR-2 just like the Arrow the, Americans ,Bless them.They were actually frightend of other countrys that could build a better aircraft.Due to the fact after the second World War we all owed them a vast fortune. Its that easy “Get rid of it and we will knock of a couple of million of your debit,s and we will let you buy an inferior aircraft. “Oh dont just get rid of it”. We mean totally destroy the plans,jigs everything.Even now if the TSR-2 or Avro Arrow were flying the States would be flying them.God bless democracy,”“sorry i meant the” DOLLAR".Merry Xmas

True, but they did buy the Harrier! I think they would have been better off buying a few Migs as well in order to surplant that awful F-4!

Even though many X-planes were a failure or never developed into active duty A/C, many of them provided useful data for future projects that were highly successful.

As for the titanium issue, yes bullets (ie larger ones)would likely be able to penetrate it. Titanium is exceptionally strong, and used in sufficient thickness will stop a lot of bullet (the A-10’s titanium pit will stop a 37mm round.), but typically titanium used in aircraft construction is used for structural strength and resistance to heat at high speeds and is not usually installed in large enough quantities to serve as an effective armor.

Although the F-15 has a titanium shield between the engines. This came into great use in the beginning of its service life when they were having problems with engines blowing up. My boss at Kadena had one of his engines go and it knocked him sideways off the runway. The debris went out the side of the ship but the secone engine was unharmed.

True, many Xplanes provide useful research, but its all subjective…so a T-4 made of Titanium is a waste of funds to a degree, maybe a M-52 bounder moreso…in any case…

Does anyone know how much of the Suchoj T-4 Sotka was actually Titanium?


