Vintage Revell 1/72 Junkers JU-88A

This is my first post: The 1967 Revell 1/72 is one of my favorite kits ever since I built it when it was first issued. It is built out of the box, and painted with acrylics. The canopy frames are decal strips. I have other photos but system only allows me to post one image.


good job on the paint , was it airbrushed ? i have 4 1/32 scale revell kits in my stash . just waiting to be built .one will be a hungarian air force .the rest will be over than germen.


Welcome @David-O ! This is a really clean build of a classic kit.

I’ve got the newer 2011 tool in the same scale in my stash, and look forward to it with some trepidation. Glad to see how nice yours turned out.

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Oh wow!! This is some good work in this scale @David-O . Good details and some well applied paint. These are one of my favorite twin engine bombers from the Luftwaffe. I really need to build me one of these to go along with my He-111 (my other favorite) when I get to that. lol

Good work bud. :+1:

Thank you! It’s a favorite kit and have many copies in my stash.

I try to build the best I can out of the box these old kits. Thanks, I appreciate it.

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Here is another view. I sanded off all detail and rescribed it, which was rather easy to do.


I believe the model was scaled from the USAF museum’s JU88, which was a D version without dive brakes and the kit does not have them either.