Hi everyone,
Can anyone tell me where I could find 1/48 Vietnam era seated pilot figures for the OV Bronco and also Vietnam era 1/32 seated figures for the OV Bronco?
Thanks in advance
Hi everyone,
Can anyone tell me where I could find 1/48 Vietnam era seated pilot figures for the OV Bronco and also Vietnam era 1/32 seated figures for the OV Bronco?
Thanks in advance
If I recall correctly, most of the 1/48 Monogram jets (F-4, F-5, F-105, F-111) included seated pilots that should work. They all had the older generation oxygen masks that had the hose coming straight down the center of the mask. Some folks may have a few in their spares box. 1/32 pilots are a little harder to find.
I’ll check around in my parts bin, there should still be some there. Where are you located?
Here’s a story about the OV-10 One day while was on patrol I stopped at the 23rd T.A.S.S. ti hunt for some patches. While waiting at the ops counter fir a pilot to show up, a call came onver their radio that there had been a mishap on the flight line. There was a line up of aircraft waiting at the end of the runway. These included Weasels, F-4s, the OV-10, and a big Ec-121 Connie. As each set of airtcraft took off in turna guy who was getting a atta boy flight accidently fired hie ejection seat. He went up like teh seat was designed to do and landed in front of the Constellation’s wing.
The ops guys were laughing a bit and said that the zero/zero seat really did work.
The passenger was taken to the clinic for observation, the squadron commander was not happy a all, and I decided to go back later for the patched.
Check out Sprue Brothers or Squadron for AeroLine or AeroBonus figures, or just Google 1/48 scale military figures and lots of photos will come up. Many good on-line and eBay stores carry them. Also check Verlinden and Hasegawa. OV-10 pilots never flew at high altitude, so didn’t use oxygen masks, and most wouldn’t wear g-suits. Often flew in fatigues (because of the heat) but mostly in zip-up flight suits. They wore helmets, gloves, flotation vests, jump boots. Parachutes were attached to the ejection seats, so wouldn’t be carried. The pilot/observer who sat in the rear seat could fly the plane, since the controls and instuments were there, but he usually just observed the air for flying threats and the ground for targets. Having a pair of binoculars for this figure would be very appropriate. I ended up buying two Testors 1/48 kits to get the two ejection seats for the model. Each kit only came with one. And the pilot figure is in a seated position. I bought figures for standing beside the plane before boarding.
Try Master Details, They have a good selection of 1/32 figures