Verlinden resin seats

Hi all!

I’m planning to buy me some 1/72 and 1/48 Aces II resin ejection seats.
I can get those of Verlinden at a good price, but are they good? Are they worth the money?

PS: who has some info about the Verlinden 1/35 '80 USAF pilot figure?



Although I’ve not personally seen the seats you’re looking for, I have purchased a fair number of Verlinden products in the past - and I must say that I was never disappointed.
Their detail is great, and the quality of the molding is top-notch.
I’ve found that some of the hands on their 120mm figures to be a bit oversized, but as far as aircraft detail sets, just go ahead and buy the seat.
I have no idea if Verlinden’s version of the seat is accurate (it probably is), but even if some details aren’t correct on the seat, it’ll still look great.
I’m sure that you won’t be disappointed.
And the seat probably is accurate.

Jurgen, make sure if you do purchase them, tell me how they are. I’d like to totally super detail a B-1B which has the ACES II ejection seat (well, 4 of them). I have a verlinden jeep and it looks pretty darn sweet. Good luck!


I cannot comment on the seats, but the figure is a beauty! The detail on the suit and equipment is superb. Comes with (if I remember correctly) a head wearing a flying helmet and a bare head with shades on and the helmet bag to stand at the feet. See if you can trace an old advert for the kit or an old Verlinden catalogue with a picture in it. Then you will be able to see if the flying kit on the figure matches the aircraft you are modelling - remember the figure is some 20 years old…

The Verlinden seats, although very nice, cannot compare to the new Quickboost products IMHO. Check’m out, they’re awesome.
