Vancouver, WA IPMS Show pics

Here is a link to pictures of Saturday’s IPMS annual, hosted by Pearson Modeleers of Vancouver, WA. It was a nice little show, hosted by a great bunch of guys! Hope you enjoy the pics!

Brian [C):-)]

Thanks for the pics Brian. I love the P-47 Razorback, looks great in those markings. Darren.

The Ki-84 is beautiful. Thanks for the link.

Ditto. Can’t believe this was in my backyard and I completely missed the whole thing. Rats, I’ll have to wait for next years.

Thanks for the link Brian…it’s always great to see the pics from a big convention There’ are too few here in Oz.


Who ever did the USS Maine did a fine job. Overall, great builds all around. Thanks for posting the link

Now if was in Vancouver BC I could have just zipped over the border and caught it. Some nice work. I don’t get the babe, though.